Contrast shower from cellulite

A contrast shower at first glance may seem quite contrary to the procedure. However, if you overpower the primary discomfort, you will soon become a zealous fan of this method of healing and prolonging youth. In this article, we'll look at what the contrast shower provides and how to properly perform it.


Due to the alternation of different temperatures, our pores expand and contract. Thanks to this process, subcutaneous fat emerges from the pores, as well as all kinds of dirt: dust, dead skin areas, fatty plugs. As is known, the cause of cellulite is precisely the uneven accumulation of subcutaneous fat in certain areas of the body: legs, hips, abdomen. Gradually removing subcutaneous fat, contrast shower can be an effective tool in the complex fight against cellulite.

In addition, the contrast shower has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Receiving a contrasting shower will provide you with a consistently positive mood without changes, and it is unlikely that anyone will be able to shake your balanced nervous system.

Another reason that contrast shower helps against cellulite is that due to the impact of massaging movements of water jets of the shower and temperature difference, the lymph flow accelerates and all stagnations in the lymphatic system are eliminated. As is known, disturbances in the lymphatic system directly affect the appearance of not only cellulite, but also the formation of edema, varicose veins, and bags under the eyes.

Contrast shower by the rules

If you are just getting used to a contrasting soul, we recommend starting with moderate temperatures: not too hot and pleasantly cool water.

To start a contrast shower should always with hot water, and finish - cold. First make 3 sets of 15 seconds, that is 15 seconds of hot water, 15 seconds of cold water, and so three changes. Then you can extend the procedure for 10-15 minutes.

Now let's see how to make the contrast shower as effective as possible.

For maximum anti-cellulite effect, get a special loofah- massager , and massage the problem zones under the shower. Also the most useful will be a contrast shower after training, when all the processes in the body are at their peak, and, in addition, the shower will help to quickly restore strength and disperse lactic acid from clusters in the muscles. After shower, apply anti-cellulite cream.


The contrast shower has a few contraindications, but nevertheless, they must be observed: