The baby has a headache

Each mother has many reasons for experiencing and worrying for her baby. One of these is the phenomenon when the baby is sweating. After consulting with friends, my mother independently diagnoses rickets. However, is it really so, and is it always, if the head of an infant is sweating, does it necessarily mean that the baby has rickets?

Because of what can be observed increased sweating in children?

As is known, due to the imperfection of the thermoregulatory system, increased sweating is the norm for the baby. So, sweat glands begin to work actively from 3 weeks of life. However, they are not yet fully developed for correct and uninterrupted operation. This explains why the baby's head sweats. Only to 5-6 years the sweat glands are already sufficiently developed.

As already mentioned above, such a sign as that the baby's head sweats, is characteristic of rickets . At the same time, the child is quite disturbed at night, constantly fussing, crying, his mood changes several times a day. The reason for all this is a deficiency in the body of vitamin D , which ultimately leads to the development of pathology.

Also, the head of a baby sweats heavily when:

What should I do if my baby often sweats?

If the mother found that the baby often sweats, then she should at least think about why this happens. If the child is already more than six months old, he actively creeps, then it may very well be that the reason lies in this. Watch the baby and see when it sweats.

If the mother notices that the baby's head is wet, when he just woke up, maybe he was just warmly dressed, and was covered with a warm blanket.

It is also necessary to take into account the climatic features and microclimate in the room, the year the kid is constantly. Perhaps the reason for this phenomenon is high humidity.

If the mother can not independently determine the cause, and this phenomenon is of a permanent nature, then it is necessary to turn to the pediatrician. It is possible that this feature belongs to a pathology like rickets, which has already been mentioned above. However, do not make premature conclusions, and engage in self-medication. Only a competent specialist will help to cope with this phenomenon, having established its exact cause.