Laxatives for constipation

Laxatives for constipation are used to cause defecation. Most of the drugs in this group eliminate only the symptom of the disease, not its cause. Therefore, they are not recommended for a long time.

Irritant for constipation

Preparations of irritating action - one of the best laxatives used for constipation. They stimulate peristalsis by chemical means. These medications act at the level of the colon and cause a single defecation only 8-10 hours after ingestion. Drugs of irritant action, as a rule, are prescribed with atony or very sluggish peristalsis of the intestine, with acute constipation (not in the chronic stage).

The strongest laxatives of this group, used for constipation, are:

  1. Glycerin - a candle that lubricates solid fecal matter, facilitating their passage. They are shown to patients who can not be severely strained during defecation (for example, after a heart attack or hemorrhoids). It is not necessary to carry out treatment with their help in the presence of a tumor of the rectum and with exacerbation of the proctitis.
  2. Guttalax - drops acting at the level of the large intestine. They quickly reduce fluid absorption and increase intestinal peristalsis. They can be taken with atopic or spastic constipation of any origin. The effect of these drops occurs 10-12 hours after ingestion.
  3. Bisacodyl - these pills are used to prepare for endoscopic examination, as well as with constipation after operative interventions. With regular admission, they can cause pain and a strong bloating, and with an overdose - dehydration.

Volume laxatives

Bulk intestinal fillers are vegetative laxatives, which are used even with strong constipation. They are difficult to digest and are not absorbed at all. After taking such drugs, they significantly increase the volume of stool, resulting in accelerated defecation. They are categorically forbidden to use in pregnancy or irritable bowel syndrome. Also, natural laxatives of this group should not be taken with chronic constipation, as they cause bloating, pain, rumbling, but do not improve peristalsis at all.

The main representatives of bulk preparations are:

  1. Flax seed - in the intestine swell and absorb water. Due to the increase in volume, rapid expansion of the intestinal wall is facilitated.
  2. Agar-agar - accelerates the reflex response of the contractile wave. Ineffective in case of flaccid intestines.
  3. Wheat bran - a mild laxative means of delayed effect. When using them, you must drink a lot (at least 2 liters of water per day).

Traditional laxatives

To soften the stool and ease their slipping, you can drink and various broths or tinctures. Any folk laxative with constipation acts at the level of the small intestine. That is why the effect comes only 6 hours after admission.

Quickly cope with even a chronic constipation will help you syrope mountain ash.

Recipe for syrup


Preparation and use

Ripe fresh berries and rinse and place in a glass jar. Lay ashberries need layers together with sugar. Capacity to put in a warm place for 21 days. Pour out the liquid from the jar and squeeze the berries well. Strain the resulting syrup and take it in the morning on an empty stomach of 50 ml.

The best popular laxative remedy for constipation is infusion of Senna and prunes.

Recipe for infusion


Preparation and use

Mix senna with prunes and pour boiling water. After 3 hours strain the mixture. You need to use infusion every hour for 20-25 ml, until the constipation passes.