Vitamins with selenium

Selenium received its name in honor of the moon, since the moon is a satellite of the Earth, so is the satellite of man in life. This romantic allegory was invented by the discoverer, the Swedish scientist J. Berzelius. Today we will consider not only the reasons for the high demand for this microelement, but also the interaction of selenium with vitamins.

Functions of selenium

In principle, the main role of selenium is to protect against cancer. Due to this property, he received three more equally intricate titles:

The most distressing thing is that over the years the earth and water contain less and less of this miraculous microelement, that's why you have to think about a complex of vitamins with selenium.

Selenium protects our liver from toxins, male genital organs from inflammation, eyes, skin, hair from age-related changes. Selenium is a part of 200 enzymes, including glutathione - an antioxidant enzyme that protects red blood cells from free radicals. In addition, selenium enhances the synthesis of leukocytes, as well as the production of antibodies, for the protection and control of cancer cells.

And recent studies of American scientists have shown that the use of selenium in the early stages of HIV slows its development.

List of vitamins:

In products

The content of vitamin selenium in foods directly depends on the soil in which plant sources of selenium grew. In vegetables and fruits it is small, but it is in cereals, but again, untreated.

Selenium can be found in all marine products, as well as in liver and kidneys of animals.

Interaction with vitamins

If you are going to buy vitamins containing selenium, you should be aware of its interaction with other elements. Selenium and the antioxidant itself, and therefore, it fits perfectly with vitamins C and E (also antioxidants). Moreover, selenium together with vitamin E is a part of glutathione, and with deficiency of E, selenium can not be used in synthesis. A deficiency of vitamin C worsens the absorption of selenium.

Selenium can be contained in any vitamins, but it interacts only with the two abovementioned vitamins, and if you consume it separately, you will hardly achieve positive assimilation.

Daily requirement

Some doctors recommend to take 100 μg of selenium from the age of 12, others recommend to calculate the need depending on the mass - 15 μg per 1 kg of body weight.