Products that increase immunity

Now, thanks to the ubiquitous advertising, we all know perfectly well that without immunity we are nowhere: not to walk in the rain, nor to go out in the cold without a hat, or to run around in puddles in sandals. In general, life is not in life. And our immunity is supported exclusively by yogurts in small bottles, and an entire army of multi-colored tablets.

Well, seriously - the immune system is one of the most important systems of the human body. It protects us not only from the common cold (or scientific, ARI), but also from any alien objects that come to us, or arise in the human body. These are viruses, bacteria, fungi, helminths and even cancer cells (they are also alien to the body). Immunity, as a faithful guardian and defender, protects us from disease, but it also requires our help: sports, active outdoor recreation, proper nutrition. After all, there are foods that increase our immunity, strengthen health, and there is absolutely useless, or even harmful food. It would be nice to understand what products can improve immunity, especially on the eve of the cold season.

Products that enhance human immunity

Heading the list of foods that increase immunity - foods rich in protein. After all, protein is the basis of all our cells - including immune cells. These include:

Meat is better to take low-fat varieties, but the fish is good and fat, tk. Fish oil contains polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin D - also irreplaceable for strong immunity. Nuts, especially useful to strengthen immunity in men - a product that increases not only protection from viruses and bacteria, but also the production of testosterone.

For women, very sour-milk products will be very useful, not only increasing immunity, but also preventing the emergence of thrush - this disease has a bad habit, exacerbated during the cold season.

The next group of foods is food rich in antioxidants (lycopene, anthocyanins). They are mainly vegetables, berries and fruits:

Do not forget about the sources of vitamin C (by the way, this vitamin is also a strong antioxidant, so in principle, the products below can be attributed to the previous group):

Also useful for strengthening immunity, foods that contain fiber :

They normalize the peristalsis and microflora of the intestines, and this in turn has a beneficial effect on immunity. Do not forget about the important trace elements - zinc, selenium and iodine - taking an active part in the formation of immunity. They are necessary for the normal operation of the thymus (produces T-lymphocytes, the main shock force of immunity) and the thyroid gland. These important minerals are:

In the season of colds, products containing phytoncides - substances that destroy bacteria and accelerate the regeneration of tissues - will be very useful:

Do not forget about the water, because the mucous membranes of the nose and throats fully protect us only when they are sufficiently moisturized. Therefore, do not forget to drink water (at least 1.5 liters per day), moisten and ventilate the rooms in which you are.

And most importantly, according to the latest research of American scientists, in people who are optimistic, the immunity is generally stronger than that of pessimists. So, enjoy life, and let your glass be always half full.