Sea kale for losing weight

Most of us know about the beneficial properties of sea kale since childhood. This product was used simply because it is tasty, and because it is useful. And now more and more often it is added to the diet because of its low calorie content and help in losing weight.

The benefits of pickled and dried sea kale

Speaking about sea kale, we will clarify that it is more correct to call it kelp. This algae, which does not even remotely resemble an ordinary white cabbage, but this name has taken root, and now no one thinks about this issue.

How does kelp look? This algae with long thin leaves, which sometimes reach 20 meters in length. But the most important thing in sea cabbage is not its watery taste, but the properties it possesses.

Laminaria includes various minerals - zinc, bromine, iodine, cobalt, manganese, potassium, iron, nitrogen, as well as essential amino acids and all the necessary vitamins: A, C, D and B vitamins, including rare and valuable B12.

Dry sea kale is beneficial to those who seek to abandon table salt: its taste perfectly replaces the habitual product in all dishes and accustoms you to a more natural perception.

Sea kale: calories

How many calories in sea kale is the most pleasant question for those who lose weight. The fact is that there are only 6 units per 100 g of product! It only says that you can lose weight on sea cabbage without much effort - in fact, only its use significantly reduces the total caloric content of the daily ration, forcing the body to spend the accumulated fats on the process of vital activity.

Diets on seaweed

For those who want to put the figure in order after the holidays or just remove the recently dialed pair of pounds, it may well come up with a mono-diet on cabbage.

It lasts only 2-3 days, nothing more. The main and only recipe for sea-buckthorn for weight loss in this case is diluted with warm water, dry cabbage. The proportion can be any for your taste. In addition, you can eat only water.

Of course, this is a great stress for the body, but at the same time it is the best way to cleanse the body after overeating. Alternatively, you can use this diet as a fasting day twice a week - for example, on Tuesdays and Fridays. The course should be held for at least a month, and the main principle here is regularity. If you do not carry out unloading constantly, there will be no sense from it.

There is also a sparing diet on sea kale. True, here it is also not about pickled delicacy, but about ordinary dry cabbage. To achieve the most mild and long-term results, let's put it into the system of healthy nutrition. Consider an approximate menu for the day and basic guidelines:

  1. You need to eat in small portions.
  2. The last meal is 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  3. In addition to the products prescribed in the menu, there is nothing.
  4. It is forbidden to bite anything between the indicated meals.
  5. Half an hour before each meal, you need to eat a tablespoon of dried kelp and drink 1-2 glasses of water.

Sample diet menu on seaweed:

Using such a simple diet, you can lose weight unnoticed for yourself, without exhausting feelings of hunger. But do not expect that it will decrease by 5 kilograms per week - such weight loss is not possible in a healthy way!