Boiled corn is good and bad

Corn is considered to be one of the most ancient and widespread crops on earth. It is known that it was cultivated by the Incas in the territory of ancient Mexico for four thousand years before our era, and also it was known in India, Australia and Africa. But this plant got to Russia only in the 17th century, and like everything foreign (we remember potatoes and tomatoes) was initially perceived with hostility. Corn took root only after the peasants started "for free" to distribute cooked cobs, as well as free seed. In Soviet times, it was proclaimed "queen of the fields" for yield and cheapness. And today it is respected for its valuable nutritional properties, its satiety, its taste, its universality - after all, it can be cooked, stewed, popcorned, preserved and processed into flour, cereals, etc. But the most popular folk dish - brewed in salted water young cobs. And it is extremely useful to find information about the benefits and disadvantages of cooked corn. After all, although experts in nutrition and refer it to dietary products, it is not shown to everyone.

Is there any benefit from cooked corn?

Those who are interested in the question of what the benefits of cooked corn can be, you should pay attention, first of all, to the composition of this product. There are a lot of valuable biological substances in it. First of all, it concerns fiber and starch. The first component is useful for the intestines, because it helps to optimize its work and cleanse, and the second one provides the corn with high nutritional value. In addition, boiled cob contains a lot of simple carbohydrates, unsaturated fatty acids. There are vitamins, especially group B, as well as choline, vitamin PP, beta-carotene, a variety of minerals: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, etc. Therefore, corn in boiled form is useful for vision, helps improve appetite and general state of health. It is quite possible to replace traditional carrots - the famous folk "eye doctor". It also prevents blood clots, normalizes cholesterol metabolism, helps lift the tone of gallbladder walls, removes alcohol toxins during a hangover, relieves chronic fatigue and blues, removes with bloating.

However, it should be said that the composition is due not only to the benefits of cooked corn, but also to harm.

The Benefits of Cooked Corn for Losing Weight

Another valuable property of this product is its relatively low calorie content. Together with a hundred grams of cooked corn, a person gets 96 kcal (with one cob - almost 200). It seems that this is not so little, but this dish dulls the feeling of hunger for a long time. Therefore, nutritionists especially note the benefits of boiled corn in the cob for weight loss. To this end, it is recommended to eat on fasting days to clear the intestines. But to abuse corn is still not worth it, because in large quantities it causes constipation. And the grain must be thoroughly chewed. Cook the cobs better without salt, without adding it then and in the finished dish. A day will be enough four or five pieces.

To whom is the product contraindicated?

As already mentioned above, from boiled corn is not only good for health, but harm can be. It can not be eaten by people who have low blood coagulability, because it already dilutes it so much, and also to those who suffer from stomach ulcers and allergies. In addition, it is not recommended to eat it for people who can not chew the grain well. Because badly ground in the mouth of corn causes flatulence and intestinal disorders.