Morbid obesity

Morbid obesity is third degree obesity , in which a person weighs more than 45 kg above his optimal weight. Its absolute index is the body mass index (BMI) over 40. To calculate this figure is simple: divide your weight by the height (in meters) in the square.

Morbid obesity

The very term "morbid obesity" says only about the presence of a critical amount of excess fat in the body, but does not characterize its location. The most dangerous is considered to be visceral obesity, when fat is deposited in the anterior part of the body, as this provokes the development of diseases of the heart, vessels and even oncology.

In addition, at the time of the transition of obesity to the third stage, a person already, as a rule, has diabetes mellitus of the second type, atherosclerosis and hypertension. All these are side effects of this disease, which at this stage is a real threat to human life.

Morbid obesity - treatment

With morbid obesity, you need a diet, exercise, selected by a professional and medication. However, in parallel with this, there are also surgical methods of treatment, which in many cases have shown their effectiveness. In modern surgery, the following techniques are used to help a person overcome obesity:

  1. Gastric banding . During this operation, the doctor divides the patient's stomach into two parts, which resembles an hourglass in shape. As a result, food passes through a narrow opening in the lower part, which allows for a long food effect with the upper part of the stomach, which allows you to control your appetite. In the stomach is also placed a soft balloon, due to which the diameter of the hole can be changed in consequence.
  2. Gastric bypass . It's pretty effective, but very unnatural operation, at which gastric dissociation occurs, limiting it to a volume of up to 20-30 ml. In this case, as a rule, exclude the site of the small intestine.
  3. Biliopancreatic bypass . This is a complex but effective operation, in which a larger segment of the small intestine is completely turned off from the digestive process.

There are other methods of surgical intervention, which helps control appetite . However, despite the efforts that doctors give to the study of the problem of obesity, no operation has yet been found that would be truly safe and 100% effective. Having decided on the operation, you forever associate yourself with the clinic in which it was made, since after this it will be necessary to be under the supervision of doctors all the time.