Can I lose weight if I do not eat after 6 pm?

Many people dream of losing weight, but they do not want to exhaust themselves with physical exercises and some special diets. Instead of all this they just do not eat in the evenings. Can I lose weight if I do not eat after 6 pm, and for what time can I lose weight, if not after 6-short answers to all these urgent for many people questions - later in the article.

Is it possible to lose weight if you do not eat after 6?

Lose weight by limiting yourself to eating after 6 pm, you can, but you need to do it right. To begin with - we will understand, why superfluous kgs are postponed with such here last supper.

At night, our body seems to be in a dormant state, even if we are not sleeping. Accordingly, the intensity of all internal processes decreases, including those that promote digestion of food and metabolism. Therefore, overload the stomach in the evening and really can not be - this is fraught with extra pounds. However, it is not worth not giving up food at all.

Next, consider what you can eat after 6 pm to lose weight. In principle, you can do a lot, almost everything, but it's worth to be from sweets, flour, fried, fatty, spicy, salty and smoked. Simply put - from everything that is refused from any standard diet.

For dinner, you can eat low-calorie foods - for example, vegetables and fruits (not grapes and bananas), eggs, lean meat and sour-milk products with extremely low fat content. Also, before dinner it is recommended to drink at least a glass of water, water will help reduce hunger. But keep in mind that even a light dinner should be finished no later than four hours before bedtime.

How many kilograms can you lose weight if you do not eat after 6?

On average, after a month of this mode, you can reset 4 - 6 kg. In addition, the body, having got used to such orders, will soon stop demanding food at night. The truth and lose weight at such a rapid pace, you also stop. However, please note that this very, very first month is the most difficult. The first 4 weeks, you may be experiencing severe hunger in the evenings. But if you do not get frustrated and do not start eating everything again, then a month later you will win over your own organism. But if you want to lose more weight, you will have to supplement the diet with regular physical exercises.

There are situations when throwing 1.5 - 2 kilograms in the first 2 - 3 weeks, a man, thinking that he won excess weight, again returns to the previous diet. A week later, the hapless "winner" remarks that the escaped kilograms not only returned, but also brought their friends with them. Therefore, if you have decided not to eat, or rather, to restrict food intake after 6 pm, then it should be at all costs, to withstand the first month.

But remember that you should not starve - long breaks between meals lead to irritation of the walls of the stomach, and this, in turn, can provoke the unexpected occurrence of various diseases. Also, many people go to bed not in the evening, but in the dead of night. And all the previous sleep, they will feel irritation, and nervous tension caused by the usual feeling of hunger. As a result, very soon the body can fall into a stressful state. In addition, in the daytime a person, unconsciously feeling hunger , will systematically overeat during the day. And this, too, will lead to nothing good.

The answer to the question of whether it helps to eat after 6 to lose weight, is obvious - it helps. But before starting such an evening starvation it is necessary to consult with a doctor, in order to avoid the occurrence of a number of diseases. In addition (a reminder!) To refuse to eat after 6 completely and completely is not in any case. And why you can not do this, you already know.