B vitamins for children

Everyone knows that full development of the child is impossible without a full set of vitamins and minerals. Ideally, the baby should receive all the trace elements necessary to him, along with food, starting with mother's milk or balanced milk formulas, and ending with meals from the general table. About that, in which products the vitamins of group B are so necessary for children and we will talk in our article.

Lack of B vitamins - symptoms

The purpose of B vitamins lies in ensuring the proper functioning of the nervous system and the normalization of metabolism. The vitamins of this group are so closely related that the lack of any of them can cause symptoms that are typical for the lack of all B vitamins.

Vitamin B1 or thiamine - takes an active part in the digestion and assimilation of carbohydrates, its lack is fraught with inflammatory processes in the nerve tissues that entail:

Vitamin B2 or riboflavin - is involved in all metabolic processes, has a direct effect on the growth of the child, the condition of his nails, hair and skin.

Vitamin B3 or vitamin PP participates in oxidative processes, and its lack leads to the fact that the child becomes sluggish, quickly gets tired and irritated for any trifle, and on his skin there are characteristic skin lesions in the form of brownish-brown spots.

Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid is necessary for the breakdown of fats, and its deficiency leads to obesity, hair loss and early gray hair, the appearance of "zayed" in the corners of the mouth, seizures, memory and vision impairment, constipation and irritability.

In itamin B6 or pyridoxine - participates in protein metabolism and affects the state of the nervous system and the composition of blood - the production of red blood cells in sufficient quantities.

Vitamin B8 or biotin is needed to maintain normal intestinal microflora and health of nails, hair and skin.

Vitamin B9 is involved in the development of white blood cells, improves the function of the digestive tract.

Vitamin B12 helps to raise immunity, affects the brain and helps to get stronger after the disease.

Products that contain B vitamins