Red face - what to do?

The facial skin is exposed to external influences, such as wind, sun or peeling, and the influence of internal factors. Facial staining indicates any deviations in the habitual condition of a person. Next, we find out why a red face appears, what to do, because this phenomenon not only causes a lot of inconvenience, but also often indicates the course of pathological processes.

Most often, a change in the usual complexion is due to:

What if my face is red and burning?

Often the cause of redness is negative emotions, feelings, quarrels. You can try just to wash your face with warm water or chamomile infusion. However, this phenomenon, in addition to the above reasons, can indicate more serious trouble. Frequent redness of the face and high blood pressure indicate the development of hypertension and vascular disease (atherosclerosis). It is necessary:

  1. Reduce the consumption of alcohol and fatty.
  2. Quit to buy.
  3. Walk more often.

What if my face is red after alcohol?

A person can change his color because of inadequate production of an enzyme that assimilates alcohol. For this reason, blood circulation is increased, and the skin surface is covered with red spots.

In addition, the cause of redness can be high blood pressure. If you are always worried about an unreasonable redness, while one of your family suffers from hypertension, then for the prevention of this ailment, it is worth:

  1. Adjust your lifestyle.
  2. To be surveyed at the doctor.

What if I have a red face after sunburn?

Staying in direct sunlight increases the risk of burns. After sunbathing, you should:

  1. Treat the skin with a coolant and moisturizer.
  2. If you have a very red face, then the next thing you need to do is put a kerchief-soaked kerchief on your face.
  3. Also, a compress from the brewing of black or green tea will help calm the skin.
  4. It is useful to impose on the affected area raw potatoes or cucumber.

What if my face is red after peeling?

Redness indicates the progress of protective reactions of the epidermis. Cells begin to recover actively. In this period it is important to provide quality care: