Eczema on the face - the causes and treatment of all types of disease

Some dermatological diseases are difficult to treat because of the many factors that provoke their occurrence. Eczema refers to intractable pathologies, especially if the rash is common not only on the body, but also on the face. To cope with it, we need a thoughtful, individually developed integrated approach.

Eczema on the face - the causes

Dermatologists classify this disease as polyethological. The appearance of rashes contributes to too many external and internal conditions, so it is impossible to pinpoint the factors that provoke the problem. Presumably, eczema on the face often occurs against the background of immune shifts. They also include various allergic reactions, which represent an inadequate response to the body's defense system.

Eczema on the face - the causes that play an additional role in the appearance of the rash:

Eczema - Species

There are several forms of the described disease, which are differentiated according to the cause of its origin, the type of rash, the nature of the flow. What kinds of eczema are (basic):

Wetting eczema on the face

This type of pathology is the most common, it is characterized by persistent chronic course, frequent relapses. Because of the impossibility of clarifying the exact causes of the disease, it is diagnosed as idiopathic or true eczema. The considered form of the disease is difficult to treat, it is caused by a variety of disparate factors interacting with each other.

Such eczema on the face has specific features:

The main difference between the presented type of pathology is the allocation of fluid on the surface of ulcers in the form of small drops, similar to dew or tears. For this reason, in English, this form of the disease is called crying eczema. Another characteristic feature is very severe itching. Its intensity often leads to sleep disorders in humans and even mental disorders.

Dry eczema on the face

The exact cause of this type of disease, too, has not yet been established. Asthenotic or dry eczema is a marked dehydration of the skin on the face. It is accompanied by peeling and cracking, damage can bleed. The pathology slowly progresses and almost immediately turns into a chronic form with exacerbations, mainly in winter. Specific symptoms:

Microbial eczema on the face

The described type of disease affects the hair follicles, first the inflammatory process is localized above the upper lip and the chin, later spreading to other parts of the skin. There are different bacterial types of eczema, depending on the causative agent of pathology (staphylococcus, streptococcus and others). All forms of the disease have a similar clinical picture. How does infectious eczema appear on the face:

Seborrheic eczema on the face

The presented type of problem affects the hair growth zones and surrounding areas. Often, seborrheic eczema is localized along the eyebrows, on the forehead, around the mouth and the nasolabial triangle. In the upper part of the face a bright red, wide inflamed rim is formed. Dermatologists call it seborrheic crown. Without effective treatment, pathology captures vast areas, spreading to the entire scalp, bovine folds and neck, forming an "eczematous helmet".

Signs of the described disease:

Mycotic eczema

This form of the disease is provoked by fungi of various kinds. For therapy, it does not matter which eczema is caused by the microorganism, the classification includes candidiasis, mycoses, and lichen, and other types of lesions. This type of pathology is considered one of the most difficult in terms of treatment. Fungi penetrate into small lesions of the skin and rapidly multiply, colonizing a healthy epidermis with their colonies. They excrete toxins that provoke an allergic reaction. As a result, new micro-traumas appear, and eczema on the face progresses even faster.

Clinical picture:

Symptoms of Eczema

The features of the course of pathology depend on its presumed causes, pathogens and species. Specific signs of eczema in accordance with the form of the disease are presented in the previous paragraphs. Their severity and duration is different at different stages of the progression of the disease. At the very beginning of development, the disease weakly makes itself felt and is associated with a simple allergic rash.

Stages of eczema

Progression of pathology goes through 6 stages. They can have any duration and tread in different periods of time, so in one hearth lesion, sometimes the first signs of eczema and its late symptoms are sometimes observed. In the chronic course of the disease, remission is often replaced by a relapse. Stages of the disease:

  1. Erythematous eczema on the face - the initial stage. Redness, spots, swelling, foci merge with each other.
  2. Papular period. Formation of bright red nodules with clear boundaries.
  3. Vesicular stage. The appearance of vesicles with turbid exudate inside.
  4. The wetting stage of eczema on the face. Opening of blisters, formation of moist erosion.
  5. Cork period. Drying of serous fluid. Formation of yellowish-brown crusts.
  6. Peeling. Scale dropping, skin healing.

Eczema on the face - treatment

Therapy should be developed only by a dermatologist after a thorough examination and necessary tests. It is important to find out what triggered the pathology, and what progression of eczema on the face - treatment at home without specifying the diagnosis will be ineffective and may exacerbate the problem. Especially it concerns the infectious forms of the disease, which are caused by bacteria and fungi.

There are several conservative ways to cure eczema on the face:

Ointment for eczema on the face

Hormonal local preparations are used to stop inflammation and suppress an inadequate immune response. Individually appointed funds that affect the cause of pathology (fungi, bacteria). The ointment from eczema is selected by a doctor from the following list:

When the inflammatory processes subside, it is better to switch to ointments without glucocorticosteroids:

Cream for eczema on face

With increased greasiness of the affected surfaces, drugs with a less greasy consistency are recommended. Eczema on the face - what to treat from creams (hormonal):

Non-hormonal creams:

Tablets from eczema

Sometimes local therapy is not effective enough, and the dermatologist appoints a short course of systemic treatment. Before you get rid of eczema on the face, it is desirable to establish its origin. When the cause of inflammation are fungi or bacteria, the appropriate (antimycotic and antimicrobial) drugs are used. If there is eczema on the entire face, and the pathology is rapidly progressing, hormonal medication is required:

To remove symptoms and normalize metabolic processes, the following groups of drugs are prescribed:

Eczema on the face - treatment with folk remedies

Phytotherapy and alternative methods are suitable as supportive measures and only with the consent of a dermatologist. Folk remedies for eczema on the face often contain concentrated allergens, which can worsen the course of pathology and provoke dangerous complications. Before using them, it is necessary to make sure that there are no hypersensitivity reactions to the components of the prescriptions.

Natural ointment from eczema

Ingredients :

Preparation, application

  1. Crush the garlic to the state of gruel.
  2. Mix the pulp and juice with honey.
  3. Rub the product into the affected skin on the face 2-4 times a day.
  4. Continue to persistent improvements.

A solution for washing with eczema

Ingredients :

Preparation, application

  1. Mix fruits and leaves.
  2. Pour them with boiling water.
  3. Boil the raw materials for 10-15 minutes over low heat under the lid.
  4. Infuse the medicine for 30 minutes.
  5. Strain the liquid.
  6. Wash face with the solution received 3 times a day, without rinsing with clean water.

Anti-inflammatory compress with itching eczema

Ingredients :

Preparation, application

  1. Lightly beat whites with a fork.
  2. Mix them with salt.
  3. Grind the cabbage leaves into gruel.
  4. Connect the components.
  5. Put on the gauze napkin received mass.
  6. Place the compress on the affected areas.
  7. Hold it for 20 minutes.
  8. Repeat 2 times a day.

Eczema - diet

The diet is an important point in the treatment regimen of the disease.

Diet with eczema on the face excludes:
