Smokehouse from stainless steel

Unfortunately, getting real pleasure from the taste of aromatic smoked products bought in the store is often hampered by the realization that during their preparation, chemical substances that can not be called harmless are often used. However, this is not a reason to refuse smoked sausages, balyk or fish, because they can be cooked by yourself. If in the past craftsmen had to work on drawing up smokers' drawings, to search for suitable materials, to make devices, today everything is much simpler. It is enough to choose the most suitable model, which fully meets your requirements. The choice is wide enough, as well as the price range. Due to the convenience, accessibility, ease of operation, domestic smokehouses can be used even by those who have never before been involved in this process.

Types of smokehouses and the principle of their work

As you know, smoking is of two kinds: cold and hot. Obviously, meat and fish prepared by the first method are exposed to lower temperatures than products prepared according to the second method. It follows that with cold smoking smoke must be cooled. This is achieved by increasing the distance that smoke passes from the hot wood to the grate where the products are laid. It is logical that smokehouses for cold smoking can not be very compact. Most often they are installed permanently. But the devices for hot smoking allow cooking culinary masterpieces from fish and meat and at the dacha, and at the lake, and in the forest.

The most practical and mobile option is a stainless steel smokehouse. The device can be either rectangular or barrel-shaped. Inside the barbecue grill, a stainless steel grill is installed on which the products are laid out, and the whole construction is closed with a dense lid.

The principle of the home smokehouse from stainless steel for fish and meat is extremely simple. Fill the wood chips with wood chips on the bottom of the container, bring it to smoldering, put food on the grate and cover it with a lid. It remains to wait 30-50 minutes - and delicacies are ready! By the way, products treated with smoke at a temperature of 50 to 120 degrees, not only have a terrific taste, but can be stored outside the refrigerator for several days.

Advantages of stainless steel smoke cooker

Today, home smokehouses are made from both stainless steel and ordinary steel. The latter are cheaper, but they have a number of drawbacks. Since during the smoking process the device is exposed to high temperature, the metal can "lead", that is, the device will lose its shape. In addition, do not forget about corrosion. A smokehouse made of stainless steel, the thickness of which can be 1.5, and 2, and 3 mm, these drawbacks is deprived.

In modern models of smokehouses everything is provided! You do not have to wash the entire device of fat, which is inevitably released from fish or meat during cooking, since the kit includes a special tray. And the smoke itself can be forgotten, because a smokehouse made of stainless steel with a hydraulic seal prevents it from getting into the air. At the same time, there is nothing complicated in this: in the special grooves at the place of connection of the hull with the lid ordinary water is poured, which prevents smoke. The whole smell of smoke is absorbed into the product, not the clothes and hair of others.

Besides. There are multifunctional devices that connect the smokehouse, grill and grill. Want a shish kebab? Place the smoker on a special stand and spread the fire under it. Do you want a grilled vegetable ? Then prepare them on the grate, spreading the fire right in the hull of the smokehouse. Everything is simple and very convenient! A cook a couple of dishes at the same time will help a two-tier smokehouse made of stainless steel.

With this compact and mobile device you can diversify your menu!