How to sharpen scissors?

Like all instruments that are designed for cutting, scissors have the property of dulling over time. To buy new ones is the simplest option, but the old ones are still whole, and you are used to them, it's a pity to throw them away! Really there is no way of simple and fast sharpening of scissors in house conditions? For this seemingly hopeless situation there is a solution.

Rules of sharpening

The main reason that when sharpening scissors, many fail, is the failure to observe the correct angle on the basis of the cutting edge. In any case, do not change the angle of the sharpened edge (ideally it is 3-4 degrees). Sharpening is best with a grindstone . It is necessary to lead them only in the direction of the scissors, not back and forth. After you have sharpened the blades of scissors, you should take sandpaper with the smallest fraction, with its help, similar movements to eliminate all irregularities. Now we test what we got. For this purpose an ordinary newspaper will fit: we try to cut a corner, if the cut turned out smooth, then you achieved success!

Even if the scissors are properly sharpened, they will not cut well if the cog or rivet is weakened, which keeps their halves together. If your scissors are equipped with a cog, then it's a trifling matter, but if the rivet has weakened, you'll have to tinker a bit. But it does not matter either, because you can read the next section and find out how to fix it.

Helpful Tips

So, weakened the rivet, what to do? First we need two hammers and a dowel-nail. One hammer will serve as an anvil, we put scissors on it, put the dowel in the center of the rivet and beat it lightly. As a rule, one blow is enough (especially if the scissors are "native" from China).

Now let's look at another situation: how to sharpen the scissors at home, if there is no sharpener? For these purposes, even a gypsy needle will do. It should be squeezed closer to the hinges, and as if trying to cut it, force out of the scissors. Repeat the procedure several times. For the same purposes, acting in a similar way, you can even use the neck of any glass bottle. You can correct the sharpening of the scissors, just by cutting them a little sandpaper. Thanks to this method, you can slightly delay the sharpening of the scissors, but not avoid it.

Do not throw away the blunt scissors, first try to sharpen them. Worse than they were, you certainly will not make them, and you will always be able to buy new ones!