Fluorescent Lamps

Lamps fluorescent, or as they are called - luminescent and energy-saving , these are the lamps of our time. From the point of view of the consumer, their main advantage is that they allow you to reduce the consumption of electricity at times. If compared with a conventional incandescent bulb, a fluorescent lamp will give the same lighting power, while consuming 80% less electricity.

To answer the question of how this is possible, one must understand the principle of the daylight lamp. So, the lamp is a tube filled with mercury vapor and an inert gas, the walls of which are coated with a phosphor layer. Electric discharge causes mercury vapor to emit ultraviolet, and the phosphor begins to glow under the influence of ultraviolet. As you can see, bringing the process into action requires not much electricity.

Color of fluorescent light

Unlike incandescent bulbs, daylight lamps give three options for light: cold light, warm and neutral. When choosing a lamp, it is worth considering the glow temperature, since it is this indicator that gives comfort to the eye, and the choice directly depends on the place of use of the lamp. If we choose ceiling daylight lamps in the office, it is better to stop on a cold (white) or neutral light, if in the bedroom, then a warm (yellow) light is preferable.

Pros and cons of using fluorescent lights

The unconditional advantages in using fluorescent lamps include the following:

  1. As already mentioned above, the power of fluorescent lamps is much lower than incandescent lamps, while the illumination is the same. For example, a 12W lamp is equal to a 60W lamp.
  2. The service life on average is 7 times longer than the lifespan of "Ilyich bulbs".
  3. Energy saving lamps do not heat up during operation.
  4. The fluorescent lamps do not flicker, thus giving less strain to the eyes.
  5. All factory fluorescent lamps come factory warranty.

In the category of minuses, too, there is what to write:

  1. The cost of an energy-saving lamp is higher than the cost of an ordinary lamp, in spite of this, in the long run, its acquisition is still profitable if it lasts for the entire stated period.
  2. Due to power surges, the service life is noticeably shortened. For example, if the voltage in the network increases by 6%, the lamp will last two times less, an increase of 20% will result in the lamp operating only 5% of its service life.
  3. Energy-saving light bulbs are slightly larger than incandescent lamps, so there is a high probability that they will not fit into part of the fixtures, and they will not look aesthetically from the part of the bubbles.
  4. Often you can hear complaints from consumers, why the daylight lamps blink when turned off. Fortunately, this is a solvable problem, in most cases this happens because of the LED in the switch, if the switch is replaced, the problem will disappear.

Where is the danger hidden?

Are the fluorescent lamps harmful? Probably, this question was not asked only lazy. Different studies show different results, but all agree on one thing: if humanity does not understand how important the proper utilization of fluorescent lamps is, they will undoubtedly sooner or later bring harm. The problem is that the lamp tube contains mercury vapor . Suppose, if one lamp breaks in an apartment, nothing particularly terrible will happen, it will be enough to ventilate the room. If all the lamps from our apartments are in garbage containers, broken and emitted mercury vapor, this will be a real danger. Therefore, do not be lazy, take time and ask where in your area there are disposal points.