Narrow dishwasher

Not every kitchen can put a full dishwasher , in this case is set narrow. These include those models in which the width does not exceed 45cm.

In this article, you will find out what advantages, except for a small size, have narrow dishwashers, and which manufacturers can find them.

The advantages of a narrow dishwasher

  1. Compactness . In the kitchen, every centimeter is very important, so the difference is not less than 10 cm is of great importance when choosing the size of home appliances.
  2. Economical . In addition to space, such a machine saves water, electricity and detergents. This is due to the fact that its internal volume is smaller, so the wash cycle lasts less than the normal model.
  3. The cost . It is somewhat lower than the price of machines with a width greater than 45 cm.

The only drawback, which is imputed to narrow dishwashers - is a small capacity. But if you understand, then it is not so small - 8-10 sets of dishes. For a family of 3-4 people, this will be enough.

Which model to choose?

Among narrow dishwashers there are built-in and detached models. Which of them is needed for you, depends on where she found a place.

One can note the following price-quality ratio between the dishwashers:

Even choosing the narrowest dishwasher, do not forget that, in addition to the size, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics: