Home snakes

Many people are fascinated by the cool calmness, gracefulness and smooth beauty of these stunning reptiles. Non-poisonous domestic snakes, contrary to unjust prejudices, are gentle, curious and attached to the masters of the creature. They delicately feel the mood of the owner and even his state of health, unerringly identify external dangers and threats. In addition, communication with exotic pets has a beneficial effect on a person, gives peace and tranquility.

Do snakes fit for home maintenance?

For some reason, there is an opinion that starting a reptile in question is dangerous, since it can bite. To begin with it is worth remembering - as pets should be purchased exclusively non-venomous snakes. Even professional terrariums rarely deal with dangerous species of these animals.

Snakes - the most calm and balanced. To provoke a reptile to aggression, you need to try very hard and spend a lot of time, at least a couple of hours of teasing and getting it out of yourself. As a rule, in conflict situations the pet will try to protect, hiding in cover. But even if you continue the attempts of provocation, the snake simply hiss. In extremely rare cases, a reptile can bite, but it looks like a pinch, quite painless and almost invisible.

Thus, the content of the domestic snake is perfectly safe. They can be established in families with kids, in some cases it is even recommended by specialists, for example, in mental disorders and imbalances in children.

Features of a snake as a pet

Contain the described reptiles is the most difficult, since these reptiles can comfortably exist only in the presence of special conditions.

The temperature and humidity in the terrarium must be strictly and constantly monitored, and in one part of the dwelling, it is necessary to maintain heat and dryness, and in the other part - coolness and humidity. In addition, UV lamps are installed, they have a positive effect on the health of the animal, prevent the appearance of parasites.

Also, the pet needs access to water, both for drinking and bathing. We must not forget about the "houses", reptiles need shelter for sleep: snags, branches and roots of plants, caves.

It is important to note in advance that all snakes are carnivorous and prefer live food, usually rodents. If such a pet food is disgusting, it is better to immediately abandon the idea of ​​starting a reptile.

Of course, caring for a snake is a laborious task and at first seems rather complicated. But such efforts are rewarded with harmony and pacification, which gives contemplation of these beautiful creatures.

What snakes are suitable for keeping at home?

Before you go to a pet in a pet store or nursery, it is important to make sure that the reptile is not poisonous. It is necessary to have a proper talk with the breeder about the rules of keeping, feeding and care for the snake, handling it. You can ask for advice on the arrangement of the terrarium , the creation of comfortable humidity and temperature, buying food for an exotic pet. It is desirable to immediately find a qualified veterinarian who knows how to handle reptiles and has the proper equipment. If there are other animals in the house, you should also consult in advance about their compatibility with the selected snake, to find out whether the pets are dangerous to each other. After clarifying all the details, you can proceed with the direct selection of the pet.

Popular kinds of house kites:

Royal Python Patterned skid The Imperial Boa constrictor Tinned Meal Dairy snake Green Mamba (Western Mamba) The sharp-headed Aesculapius Snake Earthy Ordinary Copperchide