Terrarium for turtles

Terrarium for turtles must meet one requirement: to be the most approximate to natural conditions. Create an effect of natural conditions can only be provided that you understand the characteristics of the environment in which turtles are accustomed to dwelling in nature, then you can create a handy terrarium for the tortoise yourself.

How to make a terrarium?

Features of the design of the terrarium directly depend on the way of life of the turtle. Tortoises of land and water should have different conditions of maintenance, hence, and terrariums at them differ.

Terrarium for a water turtle

Water reptiles are one of the most capricious of the conditions of detention. Here's what's important to consider:

  1. The size of the terrarium. The terrarium for the aquatic turtle must be selected with the condition that the surface area of ​​the shell is about 25% of the area of ​​the terrarium.
  2. Frequency of water change. Water should change often enough, for one simple reason: waste from turtles is much more than from fish. Dirty water rapidly multiplies bacteria that can cause various diseases of reptiles. Important! If the scent of the terrarium increases, then the water is heavily polluted. Normally, the turtle and water in the terrarium should smell very weak.
  3. Aeration of water, acidity and alkalinity (ph level). Most aquatic turtles prefer a neutral ph water level. Exceptions are the following: red Amazonian bokoshey turtle, Argentine hydromedusa, zhagogolovaya turtle. These kinds of turtles feel good in a more acidic environment. For tubercle turtles (Malaclemys terrapin), on the contrary, an alkaline medium is required (salt is added at a rate of 5 g per liter of water).
  4. Feed. Do not believe those who offer to feed the turtle "off the table", that is cheese, cottage cheese, sweets and similar "delicacies." This food is similar to fast food for a man, only its effect on turtles is more rapid: he plants the digestive tract and the kidneys. Do not feed the tortoise with food intended for humans, even if it seems like she likes this kind of food.
  5. Land for a water turtle . Water turtles need a land area where they can relax, dry and warm under a lamp.

How to equip a terrarium for a land tortoise?

Important! Land tortoise can not be kept directly on the floor, and, even more so, let it go to "free bread" around the apartment. Usual sex for the person, even ideally washed, for the turtle turns into dust, draft, cold and threats to be crushed under the feet of the household. Floor heating, contrary to popular belief, is as harmful as the cold: because of the constant lower heating, the kidneys of the turtle suffer. Turtle must be kept only in a specially designed terrarium! The terrarium for a land tortoise should be equipped according to the following rules:

  1. The size of the terrarium. In order for the turtle to live freely, the size of its dwelling should not be less than 60 cm in length and 40 cm in height. Naturally, the bigger the turtle, the larger the terrarium it needs.
  2. Priming. The composition of the soil will depend on the type of turtle. Mainly use hay, sawdust. A terrarium for a Central Asian turtle, for example, must necessarily contain a warm corner with ground from a large pebble, but also a platform with hay and wood chips in the aquarium should also be.
  3. UV lamp. Ultraviolet lamp allows to simulate the sun's rays and brings the living conditions closer turtles to the natural.
  4. It is not necessary to plant plants in the terrarium for turtles. At least, before making a terrarium for a turtle, it is worthwhile to check with the sellers how the turtle tolerates moisture: plants require constant watering, and some types of turtles very badly tolerate any moisture in their habitat.
  5. A house for a turtle. Turtles, especially land, like to hide in the crevices between the stones. You can create a kind of house for the reptile from the plank, or cut in the half coconut "door". It is not safe to build a grotto of stones, since the structure can disintegrate at a time when the turtle is in it.