House for dogs with their own hands

Any dog, at least tiny, though large, needs its own house! Depending on where your pet lives, in the house or on the street, you can make different housing options for him.

When an animal lives indoors, many owners give it a place on a rug or mattress. But if you have a little free time - build your pet a real home! Believe me, he will be very grateful to you, because all dogs like to be in cover.

Small dog houses

If your dog is small, then the house for her can be made of foam rubber and fabric. The advantage of this house is that it is convenient to wash it with a delicate wash in the washing machine as the fabric is soiled.

It's quite easy to sew a house for a dog like "sneakers". This is such a soft booth, where on one side there is a roof, and on the other side - a bed. Therefore, the house "sneakers" is universal. When the dog is frozen, it can hide under the roof, and when it's hot - settle on the open part of the house.

Before sewing a house, it is necessary to measure the dog. The bottom should be equal to the size that the dog takes lying with his legs extended. Half of the house, where the roof is located, should match the size of the animal curled up. This is the minimum size. If your area allows more, of course, the house can be made and more.

To build such a house for a small dog, you will need 2 m of tapestry, 1 m 10 cm of monophonic rep, matching the color of the tapestry. Also a sheet of foam rubber with a size of 1 mx 2 m, a thickness of 4 cm and 2 m of a clothesline.

From the tapestry, open the exterior of the house, from the rep - inside. In total, 3 parts will be needed: a round bottom and two sidewalls, which represent a ridge, passing into the roof.

First, sew internal and external fabric parts, leaving a small hole to insert foam. When the foam is inserted, the holes are carefully sewn. A comfortable dog house is ready!

How to make a house for a dog from a cardboard box?

Another option - to make a house for the dog out of the box. Cut into the box entrance, and on the bottom, put a soft mattress. The minus of this design is that the cardboard absorbs the smell, which is very resistant to dogs, so the box will have to be changed at least once every two months. It is necessary to wash the bedding as it gets dirty.

How to build a house for a dog in the form of a booth?

A small box for the room can be made from plywood or thin boards. The walls of the dog house should be painted with paint, so that it would be convenient to wipe them during cleaning. The size of the booth should be chosen taking into account that the dog could lie there freely.

When an animal lives on the street, the construction of a booth must be thought through to the smallest detail. First of all, it is necessary to determine the place where the booth will stand. This place should give your pet a good overview of the whole territory of the yard, and also be dry.

It is better that the street house-box for the dog was built of wood. In order for your four-legged friend to be in it in the winter, it is necessary to provide for the construction of double walls, between which there will be a heater. The most important thing in building a dog booth is to make walls without cracks, because drafts will obviously harm your pet's health. Floor in the dog house make comfortable. Cover it with a warm litter. In summer, the entrance is curtained with tarpaulins - this will keep the booth dry during rains, and in winter - with felt, this material keeps the heat well in the kennel. The roof of a street booth should be made of slate or covered with roofing iron.