Breed of Labrador Dogs

The ancestors of modern Labradors accompanied the North American Indians, when they were fishing around the island of Newfoundland. Even then they were excellent swimmers and were able to pull out of the water a network of fish, they found shot animals in the water. Not without reason, according to one version, the Labradors received their name for great industriousness and devotion to people (labrador - a hard worker translated from the Portuguese language). In Britain, these dogs came around the beginning of the XIX century, immediately gaining immense popularity among local hunters. 1903-th year was special for Labradors, it was then that the most authoritative English dog-breeding club officially recognized their independent breed.

Dog breed Labrador Description

Males reach a height of 57 cm (according to the American standard - 62 cm), and bitches usually are a couple of centimeters shorter. Their ears are relatively small and hanging, on the head they are slightly behind. They are distinguished by a powerful neck and a broad strong chest. On the legs they have small membranes between the fingers. Labradors also have a special tail, which is much like the tail of an otter. At its base it is thick enough, but it gradually narrows. These dogs have such a wool that has water-repellent properties. It happens to be pale, black, and also chocolate shade. Care for Labrador hair is not very difficult. Usually they are combed once for three days with a massage rubber brush, which not only removes the fallen hair, but also helps improve blood circulation.

Labrador - care and feeding

These dogs need movement and regular loads. If they eat a lot, without observing the regime, and walks will be held occasionally, then very quickly there may be a danger of obesity. They get used to our food very quickly, but it is best to feed the Labrador with a balanced diet. Macaroni, sausage, sausages, sweet and spices can cause their stomach a lot of harm. From meat forage to labradors it is better to give beef, a turkey, a chicken. Not bad they eat sea fish, previously cleared of sharp bones. In addition, our dogs eat fine porridge, eggs, dairy products, as well as vegetables and some fruits.

The breed of labrador dogs is a character

Sharp flair, intelligence, intelligence, balanced character allows this breed of dogs to be used for different purposes. They can be found at the customs in search of drugs, on the hunt, these animals are able to carry loads, work as rescuers. It's hard to find a better guide dog than a handsome labrador. They will not chase you under your feet for no reason, but they will help in some business with joy. To get them out of themselves and make them angry, it will be necessary to try very hard. But at the same time, these dogs are very bored if left for long without affection and attention. They intimidate intruders with a loud threatening barking, but they are unlikely to tear to pieces, these dogs are extremely rarely attacked by humans. Care for the Labrador and his education of great work for most lovers does not represent. With good and consistent training, these pets usually do not get out of hand.