Rabies in dogs - symptoms

Rabies is a deadly viral disease that affects the nervous system. It is able to hit any warm-blooded animal. But for the most part, it's still a dog disease.

Spread of the disease

Infection occurs, as a rule, through the bite of a healthy animal to the sick. In the area of ​​greatest risk, stray dogs and cats. Raccoons, foxes and other warm-blooded animals are also carriers of the disease. The virus can be transmitted through saliva, which is abundantly allocated to the sick animal and remains on the coat and any surrounding objects. Therefore, even a domestic pet, going out for only a few minutes on the street, can become infected with rabies. Dogs are very fond of playing and often can cause small scratches and wounds through which the virus can enter the body.

Getting on mucous or small wounds on the dog's body, the rabies virus gradually moves through the body to the brain and spinal cord. The duration of this process depends on the location of the lesion on the animal's body and its age. The closer the bite to the brain and spinal cord, the faster the disease progresses. Typically, the incubation period in young dogs is faster than in adults, regardless of health status.

Symptoms and incubation period

The virus affects the nervous system, so the infected animal has paralysis, blurred pupils, increases salivation, the dog becomes aggressive and weakened physically. She also refuses to eat, is afraid of lighting and water. The disease is very dangerous, because even if the dog is already infected, some time rabies does not show itself, and the first symptoms doom the animal to certain death. There are no chances for recovery. Moreover, if there is a suspicion of a disease, the animal is sent to quarantine, but does not cure or carry out any medical procedures for the safety of the veterinary clinic's employees. If after ten days the disease has not been confirmed, then the dog is released, otherwise the animal either dies itself, or is euthanized to save him from prolonged anguish.

In various forms of rabies, the dog has different symptoms, and immediately after infection, an incubation period occurs, which lasts about two weeks if the bites are multiple. In single wounds, the period lasts from 1 to 6 months, in rare cases - up to a year.

Forms of the disease

Atypical form has symptoms, very similar to other diseases, so it is very difficult for a veterinarian to establish a correct diagnosis on time.

The most rare form of rabies is abortive . In the second stage, despite the first symptoms manifested, complete recovery comes, but this is more likely an exception. These phenomena are single, which have not been documented in practice.

Wild form (3-11 days). The way rabies develop in dogs, and the symptoms of this form of the disease can at first not cause even the slightest suspicion. Often the dog becomes very affectionate, constantly licking hands and face to the owner, while experiencing weakness, poorly eating, strives to hide in a dark place. The calm state is replaced by anxiety and irritability with time, the animal barks, howls, looks around, listens to something, pounces on surrounding objects, completely refuses to eat, licks and scratches the wound. The virus causes spasm of the pharyngeal musculature, the animal begins to show abundant saliva. Further, the state becomes depressed, and the slightest noise and movement can cause a violent reaction and aggression.

Paralytic form . Such rabies in dogs has the same first symptoms as in violent form: weakness, affection, salivation, sagging of the lower jaw and paralysis. The only difference is the absence of aggressive behavior, death occurs in 2-4 days.

Rabies after a dog's bite in a person has the same symptoms and signs.