Muddy water in the aquarium: what to do?

Many beginners in breeding aquarium fish, first encountering a problem, are puzzled: what to do if the aquarium is turbid water. In fact, there can be several reasons for the turbidity, and one must act consistently, excluding them one by one.

Why is the water in the fish tank clouding?

If you have just changed the water in the aquarium , but it does not strike you with transparency, it is most likely to decide what the water in the aquarium white or cloudy will be very simple. It will be enough to wait a couple of hours. Most likely, the reason is very simple: you either poorly washed the ground before pouring water, or, filling the aquarium, did it too hastily and raised the sediment from the bottom. This is a particularly common problem for those aquariums in which sand is used as a primer. Another safe reason is the fish themselves, some species that do not mind digging in the sediment. Goldfish, vailehvosty and cichlids are especially involved in this. Another reason for the turbidity of water can be excessive feeding and overpopulation of the aquarium. Finally, bacterial clouding of water becomes the most dangerous.

What if the water in the aquarium grows fast?

So, if the water is turbid not immediately after the change, and you are sure that this is not related to raising the sediment from the ground , then you need to check whether you are overfeeding the fish. In this case, you do not need to feed them for two days, the fish will not be harmed from this, and the remains of uneaten food during this time will be able to utilize snails or catfishes, and the water should again become transparent. If your aquarium is heavily overpopulated, you should consider selling a certain number of fish or transferring them to another container.

The most difficult to combat the turbidity of water from too multiplying bacteria and microscopic algae. Need to carefully prosifonit soil. You can not change part of the water to fresh water, as this will give them additional nutrients. To replace water in this case, you can use only boiled water. If this did not work, then Bicillin-5 solution is used. It is worthwhile to conduct the treatment according to the instructions for three days. But if the water remains cloudy and after that, there is nothing left but to completely replace the water, thoroughly washing the soil and plants. After such treatment, the aquarium must be kept for several days, so that the water acquires the necessary composition and temperature, and only then start the fish in it.