The water in the aquarium clouded - what should I do?

Muddy water in the aquarium is not only an unpleasant sight, but also a dangerous phenomenon for its inhabitants. In a number of cases, turbidity of the water indicates a disturbance of the ecosystem in the home pond. And this situation requires immediate intervention and elimination of the unfavorable factors that led to it.

The causes of turbidity in the aquarium

There are two main reasons why the water in the aquarium became turbid:

  1. From the bottom of the aquarium, the smallest particles of soil were raised.
  2. Violated biological balance in the aquarium.

The second reason is most dangerous, because it means the presence of bacteria and other organics that multiply rapidly. Particular attention should be paid to the situation when turbidity did not occur after the launch of new fish and the addition of new water, but, as they say, for no reason at all. But let's talk about everything in order.

Why did the water become cloudy after cleaning the aquarium?

Cleaning the aquarium leads to a rise of sedimented particles of food and waste products of fish, and also involves scraping the plaque from the walls of the aquarium. Naturally, after that, water turns into a slurry with all these tiny particles.

Many inexperienced aquarists immediately panic and do not know what to do if the water in the aquarium is cloudy. In fact, nothing to do is not necessary. The filter installed in the aquarium will partially remove the solid particles floating in the water. The rest will again settle on the bottom, and gradually the water will again become transparent. As a rule, you just need to wait 2-3 days.

What should I do if the water in the aquarium is cloudy after starting the fish?

Natural turbidity is also caused by the launching of new fish. Since together with them you start a part of the liquid that has its biological composition, you can observe that the water in the aquarium has sharply become turbid. We will have to be patient, after all, some time has to pass before the bioequilibrium is again established in the aquarium.

And that this equilibrium is established as soon as possible, you do not need to immediately rush to change the water. Frequent change of water only tightens the process of establishing a balance, since everything starts from the beginning.

Entered into the water microorganisms must go through a process of competition, this usually takes 2-3 days. No measures are taken, all the "extra" microorganisms will self-destruct or be destroyed by useful bacteria, and the water will again become transparent.

Why is the water in the aquarium cloudy and what should I do?

When the water becomes turbid without your intervention, that is not after cleaning or launching new fish, this indicates a violation of the aquarium. Determine the cause by the color of turbidity:

And in these situations, an immediate total cleaning of the aquarium with complete water replacement and careful washing of the filters is required.