Wine from cowberries

Cranberry wine hardly would have found a wide circle of admirers. Sweet, slightly tart taste of cranberry wine serves as a wonderful aperitif and prepares the palate and taste buds for a meal. If you consider yourself to be a fan of this unusual drink, then we hasten to share with you tips on how to make wine from cranberries.

Recipe for house wine from cowberries

From berries cranberries are obtained excellent fortified and sweet wines, and if you mix berries with an equal number of sweeter fruits, for example, pears, then the clear acid of berries will be very successfully smooth out.



Before making wine from cranberries, we sort out the berries, rinse them and lightly knead them in enamel ware to speed up the process of starting fermentation. We shift the berries from the dishes into a plastic bottle and leave to ferment in a warm, dark place about 4-5 days.

Isolated juice from the berries filter, squeeze the berries and return the liquid back to the bottle. Honey and sugar are dissolved in warm water and we dilute the juice with the resulting sweet solution. Now the bottle with juice needs to be returned to heat again and covered with a gas outlet. Leave the wine until the fermentation process is completed.

The resulting wine has already fermented, but not ripe, so to ripen the juice must be poured into a clean bottle and left in a cool place for another 2 months. Ready-made wine is served in a cooled form, and in the future we store only in coolness.

The recipe for wine from cowberries



Berries cranberries as usual mine, we sort out and piriruem in a blender. The resulting berry puree diluted with water, in order to reduce the acid of the final product. The berry solution should be poured into a clean bottle, covered with gauze and leave to wander in the warmth for one week. After a week, filter the berry juice through several layers of gauze and dilute the juice with sugar, dissolved in a small amount water. Leave the wine fermented, we tie the throat of the bottle with a glove: as soon as the glove is blown off - the fermentation process is over.

The fermented wine is poured into another clean container and we leave it for another two months in a dark, cool place. Finished cranberry wine has a pleasant pink color and a sweet-tart taste. It is desirable to store such wine in a cool place, since it very quickly gets sour.

If you have berries after making wine, then you can cook jam or jam from cowberry .