What to feed the guppy fry?

Guppies are aquarium fish, which are one of the most favorite aquarium breeders. They attract newcomers with their unpretentiousness and simplicity of content, and professional connoisseurs of domestic fish that can dilute the color and mobility of any aquarium.

This species of fish belongs to viviparous . This means that the initial development of a new organism takes place in the mother's body at its expense and, being born, such fish are more or less formed and ready to grow independently. Young fish after birth until maturity is usually called fry. It is important to understand their features for the correct construction of the nutritional content of the content.

How to feed the guppy in an aquarium?

First of all, we must remember that it is possible to leave the guppy fry in an aquarium only if other species of fish do not live there, for which newborns will become regular meals.

Feeding fry should be abundant and constant. In the first 7 days it is necessary to produce it at least 5 times a day. Later it is worth switching to three meals a day and following this scheme until reaching the monthly age. The food should be evenly distributed throughout the perimeter of the aquarium, so as not to cause pandemonium and struggle for food.

What is the best way to feed newborn guppies? For the very first days of life, the so-called "live dust" is ideal. This is the common name for a variety of small plankton. It consists mostly of ciliates, rotifers, nauplius crustaceans and other smallest living organisms. It is not difficult to get such food.

How to get "live dust" for guppy fry?

  1. Having brought home water from a pond or puddle, you need to drain it correctly. For this purpose a fine sieve or ordinary rare gauze will do.
  2. After the first strait, only excess and unnecessary will remain on the sieve - mud, dry parts of plants and the like.
  3. Next, we leave the water for several hours, so that its temperature rises to room temperature.
  4. Now take two nets of different density. Through moderately shallow do not pass daphnia, cyclops and similar microorganisms, and in the smallest nets will remain representatives of "living dust". After catching both, you need to seed in containers with clean water. Its height should not exceed 4 centimeters, otherwise livestock will die.

If you do not have such a food and it is not possible to get it, you can feed the guppy fry with nothing more than a chopped microcracker. Or the easiest way - go to the nearest pet store and buy live food for the fry.

Lighting the aquarium the first week should not be turned off even at night, because the growing guppies are useful light.

In the future, fry can be fed more varied food. In the diet should be added small Cyclops, Daphnia, Artemia and tubule, pre-chop. No dry food to feed the fry of guppies is not always recommended. Not more than once a week you can apply the smallest variety of dry food, leaving the main diet for the living.

It is important that, regardless of careful selection of live feed for guppy fry, you do not forget to alternate it, because even the best quality food of one variety can slow down the development of fish. After all, the diet in the first month of life of the guppy determines their size, health and life expectancy.

Adhering to the described recommendations, you can independently grow beautiful and active guppy.Oni decorate any aquarium and fill the life of the owner with the joy of cultivating full-fledged fish from newborn fry.