Kurilian Bobtail - character

Due to its unusual appearance and unusual behavior, the Kurilian Bobtail took a solid place in the hearts and minds of cat lovers. It is quite difficult to present an exhibition of cats, which would not have been represented by the Kurilian Bobtail cats.

A bit of history

Cats, similar in appearance to modern breeds of bobtail, have been known since ancient times. In Japan, there is a mention of white temple cats with short short tail and the character of the dog. On engravings and everyday objects of that time one can find the features of the forefather of the Kurilian Bobtail, now the existing breed - the Japanese Bobtail. It is believed that as a result of the spread of Buddhism in Asian countries, the habitat of sacred temple cats, which Buddhists took with them to new unexplored lands, expanded.

For centuries, the Bobtail was a symbol of prosperity and favor of the gods. Many noble people did not disdain to illegally get a fluffy talisman of luck to their house. However, such things were strictly punished in those days, so the content of the Bobtail was in the strictest secrecy from those around. Is it any wonder that when the freedom-loving cats ran away, the owners did not try to find them and assert their rights, justly guarding against punishment. Fortunately, the climate in Japan allowed to live comfortably wild populations of cats.

Gradually formed a new breed of Kurilian Bobtail, the size of which was noticeably different from the original high growth and wild color as a tabby. In the last century the breed was diluted by Russian immigrants with their domestic Siberian cats. So, earlier the short-haired bobtails have acquired a soft undercoat and features of severe and hardy "Siberians".

Breed description

There are many variations of the Kurilian Bobtail type, the description of the breed was laid by a group of enthusiasts from Russia, but only in 2001 a common breed standard was created. In 2004, the Federation of FIFE officially awarded the Champion's status to the breed with the Kurilian Bobtail, the description of which was recorded in the Feline standards manuals.

The main main feature of the breed is the Kurilian Bobtail - tail. There are 4 main types of tail:

  1. PENEK - visible length 2-5 cm, vertebrae immovable, closely planted (total 2-8). Fractures are stupid, indistinct.
  2. Spiral - consists of 2-15 short, movable vertebrae, with numerous acute fractures. The length is 4-10 cm.
  3. Panicle - consists of 5-10 semi-mobile vertebrae with blunt fractures. The length is 5-16 cm.
  4. The moved Bobtail - 5-7 vertebrae go like a normal cat, the others noticeably break at an acute angle, forming a kind of scribbles.

Since Siberian cats were the ancestors of the breed, the Kurilian Bobtail, its colors can be very diverse. In general, any color is allowed except fauns, colorpoint, lilac, shades of brown, dark chocolate and their variations with white. The external exterior of smoking bats is also similar to Siberians. The head is quite large, the straight nose and chin are clearly marked. Ears are small, mobile, there are pronounced brushes at the ends. The musculature is well developed, the hind legs are strong, large compared to the forelegs.

According to the length of the wool, the Kurilian bobtails are divided as follows:

Character and features of the content

For maintenance at home is an excellent option "kotopes" - Kurilian Bobtail, the nature of which is fundamentally different from ordinary domestic cats. This is a devoted, communicative creature that breaks all stereotypes, tied not to the house but to the master. Kurilbob is a real chatterbox among felines. He likes to stand on his hind legs and bring things to the host team. Since the only domestic cat whose claws do not get involved in walking - the Kurilian Bobtail, the content will be a bit specific. Care for the Kurilian Bobtail will include a weekly inspection and correction of the claws. It would not be bad to put a stable scratching in the house, and floor the carpet with a short pile, so as not to be distracted by the characteristic claw claws. Thanks to kinship ties with Siberian cats, the distinctive feature is the good health of the breed Kurilian Bobtail, whose disease is practically absent. Exceptions are frequent eye diseases in kittens aged up to 4-6 months.