Divination by monthly - 2 truthful variants

In the old days people paid attention to various changes in the body, which became the basis for the emergence of various divination and reception. Predictions on the monthly may seem strange, but many representatives of the fair sex confirm their truthfulness.

Divination by month for love

There are several variants of predictions, which involve taking into account the day of the week, month and time period. The last option is considered the easiest. This divination by monthly, 2 versions of which will be discussed below, indicates that if everything started in the morning - this is a good sign, predicting the advent of a good time. Lonely girls should expect a speedy love. Still it can mean good relations with close people.

True divination by monthly indicates that if they started before 13.00, then the coming month will be filled with happy and happy events. When the critical days after lunch, then another version of interpretation is used: the approach of small troubles, which will provoke sadness and longing. The most unfortunate time is the night and this means that soon you will have to part with a close person.

Divination by month for a woman - 2 options

It is important to consider that the presented predictions give information for a short time. This is one of the few predictions that can be carried out often: every four weeks, receiving, advice, warning or a description of good events. You can guess on monthly ones only once - on the first day of the menstrual cycle, given the specific time. On other days, the answer will be untrue.

Divination by menstruation

One of the most popular variants of such predictions, involves taking into account the day of the week from the moment of appearance of selections:

  1. If it all started on Monday, then you will have to face different problems, not only with your own.
  2. Divination by the menstruation on the days of the week indicates that when it fell on Tuesday, it is expected to meet with a pleasant person.
  3. Critical days from Wednesday - this is a bad sign, predicting quarrels and trouble.
  4. If everything happened on Thursday, then another interpretation is used: one should expect a noisy holiday, but that's what the girl will be: the hostess or the guest is unknown.
  5. Monthly, started on Friday, promise happy events.
  6. Good days should be expected and the girls, who all started on Saturday. In the coming days, all existing problems will be solved.
  7. If the first day of menstruation fell on a Sunday, then the whole month will be filled with joyous days.

Divination by month is true

There is another version of predictions, for which the day of the month is used, when the allocation began. This divination by monthly, 2 versions of which were considered earlier, gives additional information concerning the near future. The presented divination by monthly can be done monthly, most importantly, treat it with complete seriousness:

Fortune telling on monthly basis - folk signs

In ancient times, people believed that a woman during menstruation has a special power:

  1. It is not recommended at this time to cook, because the dishes will be tasteless and become unsuitable for a short period of time.
  2. Signs on the monthly say that if the critical days began at the girl very early, then she will have a large mother.
  3. During the critical days, you can not plant vegetables, as they will deteriorate.
  4. It is forbidden for girls with monthly to look at naked people and even children, as they can become covered with a rash.
  5. Another taboo concerns a campaign in the church during menstruation .