Divination by Andrey on December 13 for a dream

One of the most important Orthodox holidays is the day of St. Andrew the First-Called. On the night of 12 to 13 December, girls tried to find out their future, wondering from the antiquity. There are many different rituals, but more often the fair sex would like to know about the love relationship . Conducting fortune-telling on the night of Andrew can be not only one, but also in the company, which our ancestors did, gathering from someone at home. It is believed that during the prediction in the house there should not be men.

Popular divination for the holiday of Andrew December 13

As already mentioned, there are many different ways of predicting that are simple and accessible.

Popular ways of predicting Andrew:

  1. Many girls use fortune telling to find out when they will go under the crown. To hold it, you need to pick up a handful of peas. Then relax, get rid of all extraneous thoughts and concentrate on your question. After that, pour peas into a bowl and start choosing one by saying "yes" or "no." The word that fell on the last pea is the answer to the question. As you can see, fortune telling is very similar to the well-known ritual with chamomile.
  2. There is a divination by Andrew in the name of a suitor, which both young girls and adults know. To conduct it, you need to take 11 identical small pieces of paper and write 10 different male names, and leave one blank. Leaflets can be rolled into a tube, or you can just turn them over and put them under the pillow. When you wake up in the morning, you first have to put your hand under the pillow and get one leaf. If there is no name on the sheet, then in the near future you should not expect to meet with the suchenes.
  3. Divination by Andrew to prophetic sleep will help to see the events of the future, including his chosen one. To do this, you need to place a bowl of water under your bed on the night of the holiday, and a small amount of kutya, a mirror, a knife and a man's cap should be put under the pillow. If there is a specific man, then the hat can be replaced with a piece of wood taken from the fence of the house where the object of adoration lives. It is believed that having fulfilled all the conditions of the ritual, you will be able to see your future husband at night.
  4. There is another divination by Andrey on December 13, which also allows you to see your future choice. To do this, you need to take your own comb, put it under the pillow, and say these words: "Serve, mummified, comb my head." It is believed that this will certainly help to see in the dream of her future husband.
  5. Great popularity is enjoyed by the guessing on the night of Andrew on December 13 on the coffee grounds. Cook the natural coffee, pour it into a cup and drink, so that the minimum amount of liquid remains, well, the thick. Then you need to cover the cup with a saucer and three times to knock it down. Thanks to this, the thicket will crawl along the bottom, which will allow us to consider different figures, which will be predictions for the future. If you see the image of a dog, then it is a symbol of friendship, but trees prophesy of wealth . It was possible to consider the ladder, so in the near future it will be possible to achieve its goals. If the picture is similar to a mountain, it is a symbol of a difficult life path.
  6. This fortune telling can be carried out both in the company, and alone. Take a few cups and put one item on each: bread, salt, sugar, ringlet, coin and just pour water into one container. After that, everyone, closing his eyes, selects one cup and look at the result. Onion is a harbinger of tears, and bread promises wealth. If the ring fell, you can prepare for the wedding, and the water indicates stability. There was salt in the cup, this is a warning of trouble, and sugar promises fun. It is clear that money is a symbol of wealth.

I would like to say that only people who believe in the operation of magic can get a truthful answer, so approaching the rituals is fully responsible.