Developing mat - at what age?

When a long-awaited baby appears in the family, parents will certainly want to provide it with all the necessary accessories of the best quality. Among the variety of all kinds of modern products for children's development is easy to get lost and get an unnecessary thing. Take, for example, a developing carpet with arcs and find out if he needs your child.

Why do you need a game mat?

And he needs it so that from the first months of his life a little man gets acquainted with various sounds, colors, tactile sensations. All this and much more are united in one indispensable thing - a developing rug.

Here, and a variety of rattles, which are different sound, and teethers for the first teeth of the baby, some even have a safe mirror, which will be admired with interest by a grown up baby.

The fabric that is used for the rugs has a different surface to touch, which has the most positive effect on the intellectual abilities of your child. How can this be and what is the relationship between these seemingly different concepts?

And the most direct connection is that the sensitive receptors are located at the tip of the baby's fingers, and when they come into contact with various surfaces, the impulses from them go to the brain and thus the body receives information about the surrounding world. And the more this information, the more experience the child accumulates.

Due to the fact that toys for the developing rug are very different, small motility of small fingers develops. After all, as is known, it is she who is responsible for the development of speech: the more fingers practice in movements with small objects, the more correctly the child's speech will be.

How to choose a developing mat?

So, we were convinced that such a thing as a developing mat, our child still needed, and decided to buy. Now is the time to find out which of the developing mats is better and from what age you can use each of them. By and large, the rugs of various brands do not really differ in functionality from each other. Basically, they all have a standard set of toys. Various colors, pictures and the form of the rug itself can be different: there are square, rectangular, oval, round or made in the form of any animal rugs.

Developing mat with bumpers is good for the smallest children. Bortics create a feeling of comfort and security for the baby. It is recommended to use it, starting almost from birth. But after the baby grows up and learns to crawl, the sides will no longer be needed and they can be omitted.

Two-sided developing mat is suitable for older children, who are already actively exploring the surrounding space, and can be interesting to the child up to two years. It has no arcs, and its size is a square 2x2m. With the help of such a rug the child will be able to learn the basic colors and even numbers and letters. Still this big developing mat is used for twins, after all on an ordinary rug to two children it is cramped. For twins, it's also possible to buy two different mats so that children can play on each of them in turn.

Even for children who know how to crawl and sit, there is a developing puzzle mat. It has an unusual relief surface and due to its thickness it is not cold to play on the floor.

Information on how to wash the developing mat can be found on the label of the manufacturer. Basically, it is assumed machine wash in a gentle mode with the use of children's washing powder.

Dear parents, remember, no matter how useful and developing a toy you have not chosen, it will never replace your child's attention. Give as much time as possible to your children!