"Shoots" in the ear - what to do?

At the sensation, when something in the ear as if something is tapping, rhythmically snaps, reminding the sounds of deaf shots, they say "shoots in the ear". This phenomenon is quite uncomfortable, especially if accompanied by pain, so you want to get rid of it as quickly as possible. At the same time, it should be clearly understood that conducting treatment without clarifying the causes of this symptom can not only do no good, but also seriously harm, provoking severe consequences, one of which is complete deafness.

What to do if it shoots in the ear very much?

Pathologies associated with such a complex organ structure as the ear, in no case can not be treated independently, especially since it is practically impossible to determine their cause without consulting a doctor. Therefore at once it is possible to tell unequivocally, that it is not necessary to do, if "shoots" in an ear, - to try to solve a problem in house conditions, without hurrying with the reference to the expert. Warming up, burying alcohol solutions in the ears and laying down various folk remedies, which is recommended when "shoots" in the ear and pain is felt, by supporters of alternative medicine, can serve in some cases only as an addition to the basic treatment prescribed by the doctor.

In a situation where discomfort is very strong, and there is no opportunity to consult a doctor quickly, you can do the following:

  1. Ensure peace, silence, preferably lie down.
  2. To drip both nostrils, any nasal vasoconstrictive drops (Naphthysine, Nazol, Otryvin, Vibrocil, Galazolin, etc.), which will remove the swelling of the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube and eliminate its obstruction, which in many cases is the cause of "lumbago" and earache.
  3. Apply dry heat to the sick ear in the form of a thick layer of cotton wool, covered with a piece of cellophane, and fasten with a cap, handkerchief or bandage, which will remove spasms of muscle tissue, isolate it from external influences (since sometimes even the slightest movement of air can aggravate the painful sensations) .
  4. Take an analgesic pill (it is safer to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Paracetamol, Ibuprofen) in this case.

The above actions apply to the case when the ear has blown and "shoots," but what to do next - only the doctor can tell, depending on the complexity of the situation.

What if the ear is laid and "shoots"?

Causes, because of which there may be a feeling of stuffiness and "shooting" in the ear is quite a lot. Among them there are also very obvious, for example, if this happens during an air flight. In the case where the ears are laid in the airplane , the uncomfortable sensations are explained by a sudden change in external pressure, when a temporary disturbance in the equalization of pressure between the middle ear cavity and the environment can occur. As a rule, in this case, the following steps help to get rid of the problem:

Also, these symptoms are typical of cases when the ear gets water after water procedures, swimming in the pool or pond. To get rid of zalozhennosti and "shooting" then it is possible, having removed the collected liquid. For this it is recommended to undertake the following:

  1. Lie down for a while on the side of the stuffed ear.
  2. Lowering his head in the direction of the stuffed ear, jump several times on one leg.

What if I sometimes "shoot" in the ear?

About what to do with "shooting" pain in the ear before calling a doctor, was described above. However, it happens that "shootings" in the ear are worried only occasionally for a short time, while not accompanied by other anxiety symptoms. In such cases, most often this is due to the contraction of the middle ear muscles or short-term spasm of the muscles of the pharynx and is not a cause for anxiety and treatment.