Myopathy - symptoms

Myopathy is a chronic neuromuscular disease that results in muscle tissue damage. The cause of myopathy is a metabolic disorder . Recent scientific research indicates that defective membranes are formed in muscle cells, and the fibers lose the necessary amino acids, enzymes, creatine, are destroyed and die.

Symptoms of myopathy

Myopathies include both hereditary neuromuscular diseases and neuromuscular syndromes in certain somatic and neurological diseases. Common signs of all types of myopathy are muscle weakness and motor disorders.

Symptoms of Duchenne myopathy

The most common muscle disease is Duchesne's myodystrophy. There is a disease exclusively in boys and is transmitted through a pathological gene obtained from the mother. Already in the first years of life there is a lag in motor skills, weakness of the muscles of the hip zone. In the future there is a weakening of the muscles of the trunk and shoulder girdle, as well as of the respiratory muscles. There may be lordosis (pathology of the spine), condensation of the calf muscles. By the beginning of adolescence, the majority of patients cease to move independently, they develop signs of cardiomyopathy, the intellect does not correspond to age norms, gastrointestinal motility is disrupted. Patients do not live long, dying at the age of 30 due to cardiac or pulmonary insufficiency.

Symptoms of steroid myopathy

The cause of steroid myopathy is an increased content of glucocorticosteroids in the blood due to excessive production of their adrenal cortex. Hormones may also increase in patients who receive glucocorticosteroids for a long time in the treatment of various diseases. The main clinical disorders are associated with a change in the appearance of the patient. Noticeably the deposition of adipose tissue on the face, neck, upper body (primarily over the clavicles). The lower part of the body practically does not change, which leads to an obvious disproportion of the body. The patients feel muscle weakness and headaches, they slowly heal wounds, there is a predisposition to infectious diseases. A characteristic feature are striae - stretch marks on the skin, arising from the increased fragility of the capillaries. Children suffer from growth retardation, in adults there are disorders of the sexual sphere. With steroid myopathy patients are susceptible to depression, cognitive disorders.

Symptoms of alcoholic myopathy

Alcoholic myopathy is noted in people who regularly abuse alcohol. As a result of the toxic effect of ethyl on the body, the cells of the muscle fibers of the skeleton and internal organs die, and small-point necrosis develops. Chronic alcoholics complain about:

Then there are night cramps , a violation of coordination. It becomes noticeable tremor of hands. Muscles gradually become flabby, lethargic, they can not be strained. The way alcoholic myopathy manifests itself resembles the symptoms of other myopathies.

It is important that when symptoms of myopathy appear, diagnose for immediate treatment of the disease. As a rule, myopathy therapy takes a long time, combined with outpatient and inpatient treatment. Therapy of hereditary types of myopathy involves the intake of anabolic agents, vitamins, biogenic stimulants, vasoactive and trophotropic drugs. When steroid therapy is prescribed drugs that reduce the synthesis of cortisol. In severe cases, radiotherapy or surgery is used. With alcoholic myopathy, it is recommended to abstain completely from the use of alcohol-containing foods. But there is no full-fledged method of getting rid of alcoholic myopathy.