Hemorrhagic diathesis

An extensive group of diseases, which are characterized by frequent hemorrhages, in medicine is commonly called hemorrhagic diathesis. Pathology can be an independent disease or a clinical manifestation of any disorder in the body associated with a change in the elasticity of blood vessels.

Classification of hemorrhagic diathesis

By origin, a congenital (primary) and acquired (secondary) type of disease is distinguished:

  1. In the first case, the disease can not be cured, but it is well adjusted by appropriate drug therapy. As a rule, the cause of congenital diathesis lies in heredity.
  2. The second type develops against the background of infectious pathologies, sepsis , allergic reactions, as well as diseases that cause deterioration of the state of the vascular walls and the disruption of blood clotting.

During the differentiation of hemorrhagic diathesis, it is worthwhile to pay attention to such a generally accepted classification in medical circles:

  1. Diseases associated with changes in the properties, the number of platelets, as well as their physiological functions.
  2. Pathologies that appear due to impaired permeability of the walls of blood vessels.
  3. Diseases that develop due to changes in the clotting system of a biological fluid.

Symptoms of hemorrhagic diathesis

With all the varieties of the disease in question, the main symptom is bleeding. Its nature depends on the form of diathesis.

In the case of changes in platelet properties, such clinical manifestations are observed:

If the permeability of the vascular walls worsens, the symptoms are as follows:

If the cause of the disease is a violation of the coagulability of the biological fluid, the following signs are noted:

Differential diagnosis of hemorrhagic diathesis

To establish the cause and type of the disease, the following laboratory tests are carried out:

A number of tests are also performed:

Treatment of hemorrhagic diathesis

The therapy should correspond to a variety of the disease, as well as its causes. Treatment, as a rule, consists in elimination of symptoms and subsequent correction of the patient's condition.

The following medicines are used:

An important role is played by adherence to the prescribed diet, exercise therapy, hydrotherapy and physiotherapy.

In severe and frequent bleeding, surgical intervention is sometimes used ( removal of the spleen , cleaning of joint cavities from blood, puncture).