Why does it scratch my nose?

Each of us occasionally has an itch in the nose. We begin to recall the signs with which this trouble is connected. The most popular of them is that the nose tickles to the booze. Often, the question of what itches to the nose, respond: "Get in the nose." The itching in the left and right nostrils had different interpretations. For example, if your right nostril was troubled, you should expect good news, and if left, you will have to face troubles. If the tip of the nose itches, then it indicates the upcoming intake of alcohol, and the middle of the nose indicates any benefit.

A lot of people explain this phenomenon. However, if the nose is constantly itching, it's useless to turn to the signs. Probably, the reasons can be much more serious, for example, an allergy or problems with a skin. No alcohol will help if you need treatment.

Cheshina's nose - causes

The reasons why the inside of the nose is itching can be as follows:

We will understand why the nose is scratched from the outside. The reasons may be:

What to do if it itches?

Having found out the reason on which the nose is scratched, it is necessary to start a choice of a method of struggle against it.

If the itching in the nose was caused by a lowered humidity, then it should be used indoors with air humidifiers. In addition, you can put in the room an aquarium with fish or a carafe with water. With dryness in the nose, you can cope with resorting to moisturizing preparations based on sea water - Aquamaris or Humer.

Itching, resulting from a cold, is treated with vasoconstrictors, for example, Naphthyzin or Nazole. When using, it is important to follow the instructions. After all, prolonged use of such drugs can lead to dryness of the mucosa, inflammation and even diseases such as rhinitis or otitis. As a preventive measure to prevent colds, it is recommended to apply Oksolinovuyu ointment on the mucous membrane and take drugs that strengthen immunity.

If the cause of the itching is an allergy, the patient should consult a doctor who will prescribe a test to identify allergens. Treatment in this case will consist in the admission of special drugs such as Suprastin, Fenkarol and Zirtek and the exclusion of contact with allergens. In the presence of a reaction to dust, it is recommended to use electrostatic air cleaners, whose the action is based on the attraction of dust particles. It is important to avoid prolonged stay in places for smoking, since cigarette smoke can make itching stronger.

In the presence of skin diseases, you need to go to a dermatologist who will put a specific diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

If the nose itches due to excessive hair, that is, because of hypertrichosis, then in this case, the only effective remedy will be hair cutting. For this procedure, you need to use special scissors, but use tweezers and pull out the hair is prohibited. After all, in this case, the probability of infection or inflammation increases, which can spread to other areas of the skin.