Is it possible to cure pancreatitis?

People with inflammation of the pancreas are always prescribed a very strict diet, which is quite difficult to adhere to. Therefore, patients of the gastroenterologist are often interested in whether it is possible to cure pancreatitis and then return to the usual diet. In this case, the doctor's answer will depend on the form and duration of the inflammatory process, its intensity.

Can I completely cure chronic pancreatitis?

The very formulation of the described type of disease suggests that it will not be possible to forget about it forever.

Chronic pancreatitis is a slow inflammation of the pancreatic tissue, which is characterized by a change in periods of exacerbation and fading. And during the recurrence, pathological processes affect more and more extensive areas of the body, provoking irreversible changes in them.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely cure chronic pancreatitis, but it is quite possible to lead a quite ordinary life. Just need to adhere to a few strict rules:

  1. Continually follow the diet or at least exclude from the diet the most dangerous products that can cause exacerbation of the disease.
  2. Have at hand enzymatic and antispasmodic medications prescribed by the gastroenterologist.
  3. Regularly undergo a comprehensive examination, it is especially important to pass on the analysis of feces and blood.

Is it possible to cure acute pancreatitis?

This form of pathology often flows into a chronic form of the disease, but with timely and correct therapy it is possible to stop the inflammation for a long time.

The main principles of treatment of acute pancreatitis:

  1. Cold. Do not overheat, we recommend cool compresses on the pancreas.
  2. Hunger. In the first 2-3 days of intensive inflammatory process, fasting is shown, it is allowed to use only water.
  3. Peace. It is necessary to exclude stress, physical and emotional stress.

Drug medications for symptomatic therapy of the described disease are prescribed by the gastroenterologist.

Even with clinical recovery, there is no guarantee that pancreatitis will not occur again in a few months or years. therefore experts advise to adhere to the recommended diet all the time.

Is it possible to cure a reactive pancreatitis?

The considered form of the disease is considered a condition preceding the development of acute pancreatitis. Completely it can be cured, if revealed at an early stage and immediately begin therapy.

Reactive pancreatitis , as a rule, occurs against the background of other digestive disorders, so the effectiveness of treatment depends on how quickly the provoking factors are eliminated.