Hypotension - treatment

Low blood pressure - hypotension - a problem that is quite common in the modern world. Stresses and the crazy inconsistent rhythm of life have no effect on the body. Therefore, in some people, they are expressed by weakness, headaches and dizziness, triggered by sharp drops in pressure. Next, we describe what is hypotension, treatment that relieves this problem, signs and consequences of the disease.

Hypotension - low blood pressure

Hypotension is a problem associated with lowering blood pressure. Some people suffer from hypotension for many years, know about their disease, and how to treat it. Others with attacks of a sharp decrease in pressure are extremely rare, but because they help themselves in this situation, they represent very roughly.

A sharp momentary pressure reduction is a hypotonic crisis. Some patients of all gravity of this problem do not realize, in fact, a crisis is not an accident, but a serious signal of an organism about a problem.

The main causes of hypotension are:

  1. Problems with the cardiovascular system - often this is evidenced by hypotension, treatment in this case is prescribed only by the doctor (an accurate diagnosis is also made only by a professional).
  2. Low blood pressure can also be a problem passed on to the patient by inheritance.
  3. The organism can meet with a drop in pressure sudden changes in weather, stress, depression , apathy and other problems. To get rid of unpleasant sensations in this case it is possible, having taken advantage of folk medicine or simple, but effective medicines (for more details, see below).
  4. Vegetosovascular dystonia sometimes also provokes a decrease in pressure.

Symptoms of hypotension

Even if there is no tonometer at hand, it's not difficult to learn about hypotension. The main thing is to understand how to treat hypotension, in order not only to recognize the problem, but also to eradicate it.

So, to find out that you have hypotension, it's easy. The main signs of the disease are:

Treatment of hypotension - drugs and folk remedies

Of course, with the problem of low blood pressure and hypotonic crises, it is best to apply immediately to professionals. Only doctors will be able to prescribe a truly effective course of treatment.

But there are several basic secrets that will help raise the blood pressure to normal and return the patient to a normal life:

  1. Very often, hypotension is treated with folk remedies. Pomegranate juice, for example, raises the pressure very quickly. With it the main thing is not to overdo it.
  2. Chocolate - black, natural. It is a tasty and useful remedy that will raise both pressure and mood.
  3. Tinctures of motherwort and eleutherococcus help in most cases.
  4. Tablet Citramon - a tool that is desirable to use only as a last resort.

To keep the pressure in the norm, regardless of stress and weather changes, it is recommended:

  1. To refuse from bad habits. Smoking and alcohol in no way can positively affect the cardiovascular system.
  2. Regularly play sports. In summer, you can afford long walks in the fresh air, and if it's barefoot, it will be just perfect.
  3. Get enough sleep. Healthy high-grade (well, not less than eight hours, so it is exact) the dream too influences pressure very strongly.

Doctors can also prescribe relaxing, toning up and dispersing blood massages.