Numerology machine numbers

Each experienced driver agrees with the opinion that cars have their own character, temper and certain problems that can significantly complicate the life of the owner. If the owner of the car "communicates" with his iron horse for more than one year, then he begins to treat the car in a special way, taking into account its features. The necessary information can also be obtained with the numerology of the numbers of the machine number.

Numerology of numbers of cars

We suggest you learn how to calculate the number of machines to learn more about her character. You do not need to pay attention to the area number and the attention code. We need six characters: three letters and three digits, which are in each room. Use the table below to determine which numbers correspond to the letters of your vehicle number.

The next step is to add the digits of the number, and determine the meaning of the letters of the machine number. For example, if your car number is B776TT, then you calculate as follows:

2 + 7 + 7 + 6 + 2 + 2 = 26 = 2 + 6 = 8. Accordingly, the figure eight is the number of your car. After you find out the number of your car, you can read the meaning of the numbers on the car number.

Numerology machine numbers

  1. A unit is a good number. For your car, this means a great character, quick acceleration and rare breakdowns.
  2. Your car seems to be protecting you from trouble on the road. You and your iron horse have almost a close relationship. When you drive, all problems lose their seriousness.
  3. A car with a number three character is not easy. It has a habit of breaking at the most inopportune moment, gasoline may suddenly end there, such minor troubles will regularly disturb you. Such a machine requires special care.
  4. A car with a modest character, its engine does not need regular care. Repair of the insides does not take much time. And with the appearance of your car will have to suffer: surprises from birds, small scratches, glass defects and other minor problems will await you almost at every step.
  5. From cars with the number five, you should expect trouble of all kinds, up to the theft of your car. And even if you manage to track down your loss, her condition will be very sad.
  6. The nature of the car with a given number of numbers can be compared to a very capricious woman. The problems will be one by one, so you should be patient and take care and attention to your faithful friend. If you have a long trip, then be sure to conduct a thorough inspection.
  7. Surely you are not the first year driving this particular car. Most likely, you take good care of her and give the necessary amount of time, and she, in turn, serves you faithfully.
  8. In the operation of the machine with the number of number eight, they do not bring much trouble to their master, they are reliable means of transportation. But such a machine is unlikely to cause a warm feeling from its owner, in addition, she is always ready to change the owner.
  9. Machine with a particularly heavy character. Constant replacement of details, minor troubles on the roads, regular meetings with traffic cops. Therefore, before you leave the house, be sure to check all the documents, because for sure you forget the rights with an enviable regularity.