Numerology: the number of fate

The science of numbers numerology allows you to find out the number of destiny, calculating it by the date of birth, and to anticipate the inclinations and traits of a person's character. These calculations are very simple, and even a child can cope with them.

Numerology: the code of fate

Many believe that the code of fate should be calculated based on the name, surname and patronymic. However, given that these parameters can change, the view that numerology in the fate of a person determines the main code by the date of birth is more common.

In order to calculate it, you just need to add all the digits that are on the date of birth, one at a time. If you get a two-digit number, you need to add its constituent digits to a single digit.

For example, if the date of birth is 9.03.1985, then the numerology of fate is calculated as follows: 9 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 = 36, 3 + 6 = 9.

Thus, numerology predicts the number of destiny 9. You can see the meaning of all the figures in the article below.

Numerology: figures in your destiny

Science numerology allows you to learn the signs of fate, better understand yourself and decide in life. Consider the meaning of each digit:

Destiny Number 1

The main feature of such a person is leadership qualities, initiative and independence. Such a person is born in order to achieve success in leadership positions. The main thing is to develop will and determination , have clear goals in life and own opinion. It's not always necessary to follow the well-trodden path: innovation, creativity and a new view of things will often be required.

Number of destiny 2

Life prescribes to you the role of peacekeeper. You can achieve success through positive contacts with other people, and if you are open and benevolent, then you will succeed. Ability to convince, diplomacy and ability to negotiate is your main asset. Even if the role of the peacemaker is not always to your liking, it is in it that you will be the happiest. Avoid fighting, it is destructive for you.

Number of Destiny 3

This is the fate of a creative person, an optimist. It is a positive view of things in any situation - what you need for happiness . You should strive to meet all life's difficulties with a smile, and this approach will lead you to joy and happiness. In moments of sadness, you tend to be lonely. As a rule, such people are very popular, rich and successful - if they do not forget about their destination.

Number of Destiny 4

This is the fate of a talented organizer. Such a person is the builder of his destiny, his life does not belong to empty fantasies. Your destiny will be rich, and it is important to be able to order everything that is happening, to systematize it and maintain order everywhere: in thoughts and in the house. You are born to take responsibility, and you will be contacted for help and advice. The main thing is to avoid excessive haste and negligence. You will be successful if honesty, patience, determination and confidence prevail in your life.

Destiny number 5

Such a person is born for change. You are a man of freedom and progress, and it will be difficult for you to be long near the same people or work. Even unexpected changes will lead to the most successful outcome of the cases, but the routine plays against you. Strive forward in everything!

Number of destiny 6

Such a person is born to be a humanist, serving the world disinterestedly. You are able to comfort everyone, and in this you will find your true destiny. You must carry beauty, peace and harmony into your life and the life of your loved ones. As a rule, such people always find happiness in marriage.

Destiny Number 7

You are a born minister of science. You will be happy if you study something, conduct experiments, or in other ways expand your horizons. Not always such people are sociable, and often they are accompanied by loneliness, they are considered strange and detached. However, ahead, after hard work - major achievements.

Destiny Number 8

Success to such a person will come thanks to knowledge of life, determination and various beginnings. Without effort, you will not achieve success, but it is worthwhile to attach them - and things will quickly go uphill. However, do not put material success at the forefront - you will be happy only if you philosophically look at life.

Destiny Number 9

Such a person is born to protect all that is good. They are creative, talented people who will find their happiness, realizing themselves in the world of art. Such people meet a lot of challenges, but due to tolerance they easily overcome them. Do not cling to personal happiness, money and good: if you can lose all of this, if it becomes the cornerstone. In your life, creativity should come first.