Number 13 in numerology

In numerology, the number 13 is considered problematic. A large number of prejudices are associated with it, but more often than not this is not a reality. Modern science considers numbers as a simplified code that carries certain information.

What does number 13 mean in numerology?

The people controlled by this magic number have intuition , intelligence and the ability to snap everything on the fly. They are very easy to study and with almost any job they cope in a short period of time without much effort. A person who is managed by the number 13 has the ability to achieve a lot in life, but only on the condition that he takes himself in hand. Such people are very ambitious and never stop there.

In the emotional and sexual sphere, 13 are characterized by contradictions. For all such people are confident in their words and actions, but inside they are waiting for approval. They need a partner who would push them forward. The value of the number 13 in numerology is also associated with 4, which is formed by summation. It plays an important role in life. The person born under this number is difficult enough to become attached to others, but if this happens, he will remain faithful to the end of his days. The sincerity of such people can not be doubted. Sex for them is only the physical satisfaction of their needs without any feelings .

To achieve happiness, the number 13 needs a partner that will be multifaceted and interesting. The most important thing for them is a shoulder, which you can rely on at any time. Also, a loved one should have the ability to quickly dispel the negative and sad thoughts of a person-13. At the same time, such people are leaders in life and in love relationships, so there must be a person next to them who will follow him impeccably.