Eardrum rupture

Thermal, mechanical or chemical influences can cause a rupture of the tympanic membrane. Such a trauma is manifested by pain and hearing impairment. The degree of damage depends on the strength of the impact from the outside.

Symptoms of rupture of the tympanic membrane

This ailment appears for the following reasons:

Perforation is quite painful. Its most obvious signs are:

The main method of diagnosing trauma is otoscopy and endoscopy. When the rupture is complicated by the onset of infection, a bacteriological examination of the ear discharge takes place.

Consequences of rupture of the tympanic membrane

As a rule, this does not lead to serious consequences, as, usually, within a couple of weeks, the hearing organs return completely their functions.

However, in severe cases, patients can face such consequences:

  1. Hearing loss, which is a temporary complication. The duration of healing depends on the nature of the lesion and its location. However, in the case of craniocerebral injury, which may result in a violation of the integrity of the internal and secondary ear, possible long-term loss of hearing.
  2. The perforation of large areas often leads to a recurrent infection of the ear cavity. In connection with this, inflammatory processes become chronic, which makes the inability to hear become permanent.

Treatment of rupture of the tympanic membrane

Usually, the rupture, which occurs without complications, is able to heal independently. However, if after some time no improvement is observed, resort to treatment. The edges of the rupture are smeared with a stimulating agent, after which a paper patch is applied. With perforation of a large scale, restoration of the membrane with the help of myringoplasty is required.