White radish - useful properties

In Russia, radish has always been in high esteem. It was one of the main food products, and it was also used to treat various diseases. Today several varieties of this vegetable are grown for sale, one of the most common is the white radish. Many people like her for her interesting sharp taste. However, not everyone knows about the beneficial properties of the white radish. Although it really can be called a very valuable food product.

Composition and properties of white radish

The composition of the vegetable without a doubt can be called unique. First, it contains over ten valuable amino acids, which the human body can receive only from the outside. Secondly, it contains useful essential oils. Third, in these roots there is little starch and a lot of fiber. In addition, the beneficial properties of white radish are due to the presence in it of a variety of vitamins and trace elements. In one average size, the vegetable contains 40% of the daily norm of all the necessary biologically active substances. Including vitamins A , E and C, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, etc.

What is the use of white radish for the body?

Thanks to essential oils, the vegetable has an antiviral effect, so its pulp and juice in combination with honey is used to treat colds and flu. In addition, radish is able to strengthen immunity, restore it after a serious illness. Root can provide diuretic and choleretic effect, so it is recommended to eat for those who suffer from cholelithiasis, disorders of the urinary system, kidney disease. White radish can have a calming effect on the nervous system, relieve neuroses. The presence of a large amount of fiber makes the vegetable useful for optimizing the work of the intestine and the whole digestive system. Also, with regular use, it increases the level of hemoglobin and reduces the likelihood of cancer. In folk medicine with the help of pulp from a pulp radish mixed with honey treat various skin diseases, including purulent abscesses and eczema.

The use of white radish for the body lies in the fact that it has a beneficial effect on appearance. Those who eat it often enough can get rid of morning swelling on the face, bags under the eyes, improve the condition of their nails and hair. Vegetable has a rejuvenating effect, so it must be included in the diet for people over 35 years. And women should know that the white radish juice helps well from age spots and freckles. You can simply impose thin circles of root vegetables on problematic sites and keep for about 20 minutes. A mask of grated white radish with castor and burdock oil can be used to strengthen hair. She is put on roots for 15 minutes, covering her head with a plastic bag. Then carefully wash off with lukewarm water and shampoo.

Can white radish help to lose weight?

Many believe that the radish juice, including white, helps to lose weight. But it is not so. Nutritionists really recommend to include this vegetable in the diet for those who struggle with excess weight, but not because he, allegedly, burns fat. The use of white radish for weight loss is another - it contains a minimum amount of calories: in 100 grams, only 21 calories. Therefore, it can safely be included in the composition of salads or simply grate and eat with a small amount of vegetable oil and a slice of bread. This is a very useful snack, well drowning hunger and not harmful to the figure. You can arrange and unloading a few days, but no more than twice a week.