Persimmon in the diet

During a severe diet for weight loss and want to afford something delicious and sweet. In order to be able to add anything from yourself, it is best to choose not a diet system with a strict diet, but the usual proper nutrition, the diet of which can be adjusted at your discretion. From this article you will find out whether it is possible to eat persimmon in a diet or arrange a day of unloading on it.

The energy value of persimmons

Caloric content of persimmon is 54 kcal per 100 g of product. However, the indicator is not absolute, different varieties can have a nutritional value of up to 70 kcal per 100 g of product. The sweeter the fruit, the more natural sugars in it and the higher its caloric value. This does not mean that it is worthwhile to have astringent, unripe fruits - this information is given only so that you understand your responsibility, including these fruits in the diet.

Whether it is possible at a diet a persimmon?

If you reduce weight on a diet with a strictly prescribed diet, at the end of which, in large print, it is indicated that no corrections and additions can be included, the idea to add to food will have to be discarded.

If you count calories, or use a healthy diet, then a persimmon during a diet is completely acceptable. However, it is worth considering several rules for its inclusion:

  1. Persimmon in its composition has 16.8 grams of carbohydrates, which are represented by sugars - mono- and disaccharides. That is why, like everything sweet, it is not recommended to use it after 14.00, when the metabolic processes begin to slow down.
  2. The fruits of persimmon are quite large, from 200 to 500 g per fruit. Even if you take a standard fruit not too large in size, weighing 200 g, its total calorie content is already 108 kcal. Thus, eating more than 1 persimmon a day with a diet is highly discouraged.

Using these simple rules, you can include a persimmon in your diet harmoniously and without harm to the figure.

Diet on a persimmon for weight loss

Persimmon is pleasant to the taste of many, and therefore there are questions about the possibility of its use as the main component of the diet. But here it is necessary to take into account some features of the fetus.

Persimmon is ripped off unripe to avoid its damage during transportation. Not every person is able to determine exactly if the fruit has matured enough, and meanwhile the use of 2 or more immature fruits can lead to intestinal obstruction, which is eliminated by surgical intervention. That's why no doctor will approve either a fasting day on a persimmon, or a diet in which this fruit needs to be eaten more than 1-2 per day.