Kiwi - how useful is this fruit?

The use of kiwifruit for the body is so huge that scientists are still revealing its new properties. Kiwis are often used in cooking. This fruit is very beautiful in a cut, therefore it is often decorated with desserts and confectionery products.

Properties of kiwi and how useful is this fruit

Kiwi is rich in a lot of vitamins, carbohydrates , microelements and fiber. Many useful properties of kiwi outstrip most other fruits and berries. The usefulness of kiwi fruit is mainly the content of vitamin C in large quantities. In 100 grams is as much as 92 mg. In addition to vitamin C, kiwi contains vitamins B, A, D, E and PP. Kiwi is rich in macro and microelements, such as magnesium, potassium, iron, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc and manganese. Disaccharides, monosaccharides and fiber make up about 10% of kiwi. At the same time, the calorie content of the kiwi fruit is only 50 kcal per 100 grams of the product. Therefore, fruit kiwi is useful for weight loss.

Useful properties of kiwi for the body

Regular use of kiwi significantly improves the body's immune system and increases its resistance to stress. Kiwi contains substances that normalize the heart activity, digestion, activate the exchange between cells, reduce the risk of oncological diseases. In addition, kiwi acts as a preventive agent for rheumatic diseases, improves the work of the respiratory system and virtually eliminates the appearance of urolithiasis.

Kiwi prevents the appearance of gray hair, burns excess fats, improves lipid metabolism. Only one kiwi can relieve heartburn and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. This fruit removes excess sodium from the body. Kiwi is also used in cosmetics, making of it all kinds of face masks, after which the skin becomes velvety, soft and acquires a healthy color.