Carrots are good and bad

Despite the fact that in Russia carrots appeared only in the XVII century, we have long been accustomed to consider it as a native Russian vegetable. Indeed, rarely what Russian dish does without this orange long-tailed beauty. Carrots are put in soup, salads, and hot meat dishes. It is boiled, stewed, baked, eaten raw. Carrots are so universal that even candies, desserts and drinks are prepared from it. This vegetable is necessarily in the list of basic products of any hostess, it can be freely bought at any time of the year, and it is stored for a very long time. They love carrots not only for their taste. It has many valuable properties, high nutritional value and even healing power. The benefits and harms of carrots have long been investigated by dietitians, and they are unanimous in the opinion that it should be included in moderation in the daily diet of a person.

Composition of carrots

The benefits and harm of raw carrots are due to what substances are present in it. In particular, in a bright orange vegetable you can find:

The use of carrots for humans is, first of all, in its low calorie content - only 32 kcal / 100 g. And considering that one average carrot weighs about 85 g, then the energy value of one piece will be even less. Nutritionists recommend carrots as a great snack for those who watch their weight. Thanks to fiber, it suppresses the feeling of hunger, and does not add extra pounds. Next, it is worthwhile to consider in more detail what benefits carrots can have to those who adhere to the foundations of a healthy diet.

Benefits and Harms of Carrots

First of all, carrots are an inexhaustible source of vitamin A. And only two pieces can satisfy the daily need for an organism. In order for the vitamin from a raw vegetable to digest well, it must be eaten with butter or fatty cream containing vitamin D. Thus, it is possible to maintain healthy eyes and optic nerves, skin, nails and hair. Ordinary carrots are excellent at preventing strokes. Those who regularly use it for food, the risk of experiencing this disease is reduced by 79%. It also has a beneficial effect on the entire cardiovascular system as a whole, on the condition of the vessels of the head. Carrots optimize the level of cholesterol in the blood, regulate blood pressure, prevent atherosclerosis. It cleanses the liver, kidneys, and intestines. Scientists managed to prove the usefulness of carrots for the prevention of cancer and to improve the condition of patients after oncological surgeries.

The use of carrots for women is indisputable. It helps to prolong the youthfulness of the skin, improves the complexion. For this, it can not only be eaten, but also used as an ingredient for cosmetic masks. Carrots can be boiled and baked. The benefit of baked carrots is the increased content of antioxidants, which are one-third greater than in a raw vegetable. Thermally processed carrots are recommended for inclusion in the diet of diabetics, it better regulates the level of sugar in the blood.

Carrots can inflict harm and harm to the body if there is an unlimited amount. In this case, it causes yellowing of the skin, provokes diarrhea and flatulence. Still carrots can provoke vomiting, allergy, drowsiness. It is absolutely contraindicated for people with inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.