Benefits of cabbage for health - all you need to know about white cabbage and its brethren

Vegetables are the most useful products that must certainly be present in the diet. A variety of cabbage varieties have a rich chemical composition, which causes their wide range of properties. Doctors and nutritionists recommend to include them in the dishes for their daily menu.

Why is white cabbage useful?

This is the most popular and familiar variety, from which many traditional dishes are prepared. There are nutrients in the composition - carbohydrates and proteins. In addition, the use of white cabbage for the body is due to the content of fiber, vitamins, minerals, starch and so on. In the fresh vegetable is tartronic acid, which does not allow carbohydrates to become fat mass, which is important for those who want to lose weight.

In the composition of this product, you can find many different vitamins (A, E, C, PP, H, K group B) and minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, chlorine, sulfur) that are necessary for the body. The use of cabbage is due to a large amount of ascorbic acid. There is in it vitamin P , which in other grades is not so much. Under the influence of the sun in the cabbage, a large amount of vitamin U accumulates. This is only a small list of substances that this product can boast of.

Why is fresh cabbage useful?

The vegetable, which did not yield to heat treatment, contains the maximum number of important minerals, minerals and acids. The presence of various active substances causes an anti-inflammatory, cleansing, expectorant, analgesic and anti-inflammatory action:

  1. Finding out how useful cabbage for the human body, it is worth mentioning the abundance of cellulose, which conducts purification from harmful substances, which has a beneficial effect on the digestive system.
  2. With regular use it is possible to improve blood composition and metabolic processes, lose weight, reduce the amount of bad cholesterol and improve the condition of the vessels.
  3. Thanks to the salts of potassium it is possible to remove excess fluid from the body.
  4. It is recommended to include cabbage in your diet in case of problems with the secretion of the gastric glands, as it stimulates the process of protecting the mucosa.

What is useful stewed cabbage?

Although after the heat treatment, the concentration of some substances decreases, the stewed vegetable is a useful and low-calorie dish. With regular use, you can normalize energy and cholesterol metabolism, strengthen vascular walls and improve bowel function. The use of stewed cabbage for the body is associated with its antisclerotic effect, so it is recommended to add men to the elderly in the menu. Scientists have determined that such a dish reduces the risk of breast cancer.

What is useful for sauerkraut for the body?

Thanks to the use of additional ingredients, the vegetable becomes a delicious salad that is not only tasty, but also useful.

  1. The constituent choline has a positive effect on metabolism and normalizes lipid processes.
  2. The use of sauerkraut for women is associated with its low calorie content, so it can be eaten by those who want to cope with excess weight .
  3. It has a general strengthening and immunoprophilactic effect.
  4. Effectively coping with carcinogens, salad helps reduce the risk of heart disease.
  5. Useful properties of sauerkraut are shown with regular consumption, as it is possible to lower the level of cholesterol and improve the process of assimilation of calcium and phosphorus.

How useful red cabbage?

In the composition of this variety, you can find different vitamins and minerals that are important for the proper functioning of the body. Unusual color and bitter taste is associated with the presence of anthocyanins, which positively influence the state of the vessels, eliminating free radicals. It helps to gently reduce blood pressure, so hypertensive patients are often encouraged to include this product in the diet.

  1. The composition of red cabbage causes antioxidant properties, helping to remove free radicals.
  2. Stimulates the work of antibodies and removes harmful substances.
  3. Increases energy metabolism and normalizes cell growth.
  4. Phytoncides make the product effective in infectious diseases.
  5. Thanks to antibacterial substances, the use of cabbage is associated with the possibility of using juice from the leaves as a wound-healing agent.

What is useful for blue cabbage?

The color of this vegetable is associated with the presence of anthocyanin, a powerful antioxidant that can remove free radicals from the body. It also has a beneficial effect on the vascular state. Finding out how useful the blue cabbage for the body, it is worth mentioning the presence of phytoncides - substances that have antibacterial action, so it is effective for serious infectious diseases.

  1. Ascorbic acid causes a benefit for immunity.
  2. There are retinol in the composition, which is important for vision and the nervous system.
  3. It is a source of useful cholesterol.
  4. Has hypotensive effect, helping to reduce pressure.

What is useful for Brussels sprouts?

Small heads, which are used both fresh and processed, contain vital substances for the body. The energy value of this product is 38 kcal per 100 g. Brussels sprouts, the use of which has been scientifically confirmed, is recommended for improving the protective properties and fighting beriberi. The fact that this vegetable deserves to be in the menu of each, indicate the following properties:

  1. Positively affects the heart and blood vessels, reducing the amount of sugar in the blood .
  2. Normalizes the activity of the pancreas and blood pressure.
  3. Has a hemopoietic effect due to the presence of magnesium and iron.
  4. It stimulates regenerative processes in the body.
  5. Juice is used as a choleretic and diuretic.

What is useful for Peking cabbage?

The first to start cultivating and appreciating the taste of this vegetable is the inhabitants of China, but today it is loved in different parts of the world. With its help, it is possible to normalize the digestive system and stabilize the pressure. Chinese cabbage, the benefit of which is due to potassium, helps to control blood sugar, so it is important to include diabetics in the diet.

  1. It supplies the body with important antioxidants, which helps to reduce the risk of oncological diseases.
  2. The use of Peking cabbage is associated with improved vision, which is associated with the presence of provitamin A. With regular use, you can avoid the occurrence of eye diseases.
  3. Women are recommended product due to the ability to cope with extra pounds, improve the condition of the skin and hair.

Why is Savoy cabbage useful?

In comparison with a similar and more popular white-garlic variety, this product has a wide range of properties. For example, it is more nutritious, contains more vitamins, minerals, while caloric content, on the contrary, is low. The use of Savoy cabbage for weight loss is associated with the content of tartronic acid, which helps burn fat.

  1. There is a lot of fiber in the leaves, which improves the digestive system.
  2. B vitamins are important for the nervous system, as they have a calming effect.
  3. It improves the activity of the heart and blood vessels, reduces the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood.
  4. When used in small amounts, it has an astringent effect on the body.

What is useful for broccoli?

Many experts believe that this variety ranks first in the rating of the most important vegetables for a person. In its composition there are different vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other substances. The use of broccoli was proved by numerous experiments.

  1. It was found that with frequent use can reduce the risk of oncological diseases.
  2. Helps to fill a lack of calcium, which is important for healthy bones.
  3. Promotes the removal of toxins and toxins and provides better saturation with oxygen.
  4. Fighting bad cholesterol in the blood, which is important for the health of the cardiovascular system.
  5. Has a rejuvenating effect, because it improves the process of cell regeneration.
  6. It is a source of vitamin D, which is especially important in winter colds, when insufficient exposure to UV rays.

What is useful for cauliflower?

This variety contains many mineral salts, carbohydrates and proteins. Due to the availability of fiber and light laxative action, it is possible to clean the intestines and cope with constipation. To understand the usefulness of cauliflower for women, it is worth looking at its calorie content, so for 100 g only 25 calories are needed, so you can safely include it in your diet.

  1. If you regularly include such a product in the diet, then the process of formation of red blood cells is activated.
  2. In the composition of the inflorescences there is biotin, which causes an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin.
  3. With frequent use, you can see how the condition of the skin and hair has improved.
  4. It is worth noting the anti-cancer effect and a positive effect on the digestive system.
  5. The use of cabbage is associated with the choleretic effect, and in the ability to enhance immunity .
  6. It is recommended for diabetics, thanks to the properties that reduce the level of sugar in the blood.