Milk powder - composition

For centuries people used only natural milk. However, the need to transport this useful product over long distances forced the manufacturers to start producing dry milk , the composition of which raises questions among people trying to adhere to the rules of healthy eating.

Production and composition of milk powder

The man who received milk powder for the first time was military doctor Osip Krichevsky, who was worried about the health of soldiers and travelers, whose diet lacked dairy products. After that, anyone who had warm water and dry concentrate could pamper themselves with a glass of milk.

Today, dried milk is produced industrially in very large quantities. At the plant fresh cow milk is pasteurized, thickened, homogenized and dried at high temperature, whereby the dry product acquires a caramel flavor. Especially popular is dry milk in the winter, when fresh becomes small. They use it to produce a wide variety of food products - ice cream, desserts, confectionery and sausage products, yogurt, bread, baby food.

The composition of dry milk includes fats, proteins, carbohydrates and mineral components. The fat content of dry milk can vary - from 1 to 25%, the caloric content of the product also varies - from 373 to 550 kcal.

Protein content of dry milk is 26-36%, carbohydrate content is 37-52%. Proteins in the product are the most important amino acids, carbohydrates - milk sugar. Mineral substances in dry milk are from 6 to 10%, the most valuable of them are calcium, phosphorus and potassium.

To choose quality milk powder should pay attention to the packaging of the product, ideally it should be airtight. It is best if the product is not produced according to the specifications, and according to GOST 4495-87 or GOST R 52791-2007. For people with intolerance of milk sugar on sale you can find milk powder without lactose.

Milk powder for a beautiful figure

Among athletes, bodybuilders, there is a practice of using dry milk as an inexpensive sports nutrition. In the period of muscle mass growth, this really has reason: a milk-based drink saturates with proteins to build muscle tissue and carbohydrates to replenish energy during training. The only nuance is to choose a low-fat dry milk, otherwise the mass can be dialed by increasing the fat layer. Recommended portions of milk powder for sports nutrition: 200-250 g for men and 100-150 g for women.