Barley porridge - good and bad

In the modern world, barley porridge lost its leading position, losing to buckwheat and rice. If you recall, for our ancestors this dish was number 1 and called this porridge still "heroic." Prepare the cereal from the grains of barley, which are amenable to crushing, and not grinding, as, for example, for pearl barley. That's why there are a lot of vitamins, macro and microcells and fiber left in it. All these substances are needed for normal life.

The benefits and harm of barley porridge

You can boil the rump both on water and on milk, and also add oil and other ingredients. Those who want to lose weight and for lovers of proper nutrition will approach the first option, since 100 g of such porridge contains only 76 kcal. Useful properties of barley porridge:

  1. Due to the presence of fiber, the intestines are cleared of toxins and toxins, which in turn improves the digestive system and digestive system as a whole. Dietary fibers help to more effectively assimilate other useful substances. Doctors recommend cereal to people with stomach and bowel problems.
  2. Allows you to normalize the level of cholesterol, which is primarily important in the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Given the composition of the barley porridge, it can be argued that it positively affects the level of sugar in the blood. That's why it is recommended to bring in your diet to people with diabetes.
  4. Some experiments have shown that barley has the ability to withstand the occurrence of allergic reactions.
  5. Useful properties of barley porridge are due to its diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. With this in mind, doctors recommend eating it for arthritis, and also for various diseases of the liver and kidneys.
  6. The rich composition of cereals positively affects the work of the nervous system, which helps to get rid of insomnia and bad mood.

This is only a small list of the properties of this healthy dish, but considering it can be argued that the presence of barley porridge in the menu is fully justified.

Like any other food product, barley porridge can harm the body. The first thing to consider is the possibility of an individual intolerance to the product. It is forbidden to use it for people with glycine enteropathy. Exclude from the diet is pregnant women, because the composition includes substances that can cause premature birth. If you want to consume porridge systematically, for example, for weight loss, then be sure to consult a doctor.

Diet on barley porridge

The developers of this power system claim that a week can get rid of up to four extra pounds. You need to eat only porridge, cooked on milk without sugar, oil, salt and other additives. For a change in taste, you can add a little greens or dried fruits .

The rules of the barley diet:

  1. Before each main meal one must drink 1 tbsp. warm water. In addition, every day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters.
  2. From the diet it is necessary to exclude protein foods, bread, sweet and sour-milk products except kefir.
  3. The daily menu should include fruits, vegetables, juice, tea and coffee, but only without sugar.

The menu can be made according to your own preferences. For example, it can be this:

  1. Breakfast : portion of porridge, banana, 1 tbsp. kefir.
  2. Lunch : Portion of porridge, dietary soup, vegetable salad.
  3. Afternoon snack : citrus or apple.
  4. Dinner : a portion of porridge and 1 tbsp. kefir.

After the end of the diet, the porridge can be left in the diet and eat it several times a week for breakfast. At the same time, one should adhere to a healthy diet and exercise. Thanks to this, the weight will go off stably.