Physiology of Nutrition

Previously, doctors were puzzled by the problem of malnutrition, lack of food. The problem of today's society is overeating, and sometimes even obesity. A lot of all kinds of fast food, half-finished products and establishments. Where you can eat deliciously, without straining about cooking, relax and let you not think about what we eat. The main thing is fast, tasty and satisfying. In addition, many people in our time live alone. And when you live alone, there is no need, no desire to cook something. Moreover, if near the house you can buy fine ready dumplings.

The physiology of nutrition is a science based on the study of a person's need for substances contained in food and their effect on the body. To function properly, the body requires a lot of different substances.

Energy in food

The main source of energy that a person needs is food. Energy is contained in food in the form of nutrients - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And by changing their ratio, it is possible to regulate metabolic processes.


They play a very important role in building muscles. Proteins are composed of amino acids, they repair cells, form tissues. Proteins are bricks for building cells. For the most part, they are found in meat and dairy products. The lack of proteins can lead to a weakening of bone and muscle tissue, therefore, vegetarians require artificial replenishment in the form of protein supplements to food.


The physiology of nutrition reckons carbohydrates as one of the main sources of energy needed by the body. Carbohydrates (they are sucrose) - this is a natural food for the brain. They are structurally simple and complex. So, our body needs complex. And they are found in vegetables, sea fish, legumes. Simple, in the form of baking, do not bring much benefit. Lowering the level of simple carbohydrates and consuming complex ones is the idea of ​​low-carbohydrate diets.


This is not necessarily extra pounds. Simply, you need to distinguish fats in a piece of cake, and in a piece of fish. After all, useful fatty acids are involved in the construction of cells, skin membranes and lipid metabolism. The most important of them is linoleic acid. It is found in all products of animal origin: fish, meat, dairy products. Another important polyunsaturated fatty acid is Omega 3. It affects the work of the brain and the vascular system. And, again, they are kept in fish.


In the physiology of nutrition, vitamins play a huge role. After all, if suddenly our nails begin to break, the hair is cut, or the skin becomes dry, we immediately buy a complex of vitamins. And not in vain. Vitamins are organic substances that are contained in food. And these are vegetables, fruits, fish and legumes, dairy products. Each of them is responsible for performing certain functions. So, vitamin C is responsible for supporting immunity, vitamin A is essential for vision, B vitamins affect our mood and performance. Vitamin D and E are responsible for lipid metabolism and cell regeneration, and this includes skin, nails, and hair. So, without them, just not at all.


It is soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber inhibits hunger and reduces cholesterol. And the insoluble massages the intestines and removes the slag. It is found in vegetables and fruits, as well as in legumes and whole grains. So, buckwheat is the main source of fiber.


Minerals play a huge role in all the bioprocesses of our body. For example, kamaz participates in the processes of hematopoiesis, iodine is necessary for the synthesis of thyroxine - the hormone of the thyroid gland. Potassium regulates heart rhythm, calcium in general is the main source of bone tissue, and magnesium struggles with stress. Sodium is involved in metabolic processes, and selenium prevents the development of tumors. Phosphorus helps metabolism, and zinc supports immunity.

All substances are needed by our body in the complex. The physiology of human nutrition is just studying their complex impact on our body. Of course, when there is not enough something specific, you can focus on specific products. But the main thing is more than those products that benefit our body.