How many calories are in the borsch?

Borscht - one of the favorite first dishes, valuable and high energy properties, and a large content of nutrients. Since there are a lot of varieties of this soup, it's possible to find out how many calories in borsch can be summed up the energy value of all its components.

Calorie content of borscht without meat

Caloric content of lean borsch without meat is low - about 25-30 kcal per 100 g, so it is often used in dietary nutrition. The great advantage of this dish is that even in the absence of meat, the taste of lean borsch remains saturated, in its composition not only a large number of vegetables, but also spices that do not affect caloric content.

Caloric content of borscht with meat

Caloric content of borscht with meat is much higher than lean meat and significantly depends on fat content and meat grade - from 110 to 200 kcal per 100 g. The highest is the calorie content of borscht on pork broth, the soup on chicken or beef broth is less rich, therefore not the high-calorie .

If you like meat borsch, but want to make it less "heavy", choose for cooking lean meat without bones, fresh, and not sauerkraut, beans or zucchini, and not potatoes. You can refuse from roasting, but if you like its taste, after frying onions and carrots let the excess oil drain, then add the tomato paste and put out the vegetables together with it. On the borscht table serve with low-fat sour cream, and not with mayonnaise, and bread is best suited to Borodinsky or rye.

The excellent taste of borscht is not everything, for which you can love it. Fresh vegetables, greens and meat give this dish many useful substances - vitamins, organic acids and trace elements (vitamins C and group B, folic and pantothenic acids, carotenoids, amino acids, mineral salts). Borsch is useful for people with kidney, liver, hypertension, obesity, and a decrease in metabolism.

Borscht Diet

If you want to lose weight, try a diet on a borsch, which is easy to observe due to the satiety of this first dish. Weight loss for a week can be up to 5 kg. The dietary borscht should include a bulb, celery, carrots, zucchini, beets , sweet pepper, cabbage and tomato paste. To make this soup more nutritious, you can add beans to it. This soup during a diet can be eaten in any quantity, and besides it: