Correct food for a week for 1200 kcal

There are a huge number of diets, and many of them do not give results and are dangerous to health. For weight loss you need to adhere to proper nutrition and consume 1200 calories. Many will wonder why this is the number, but the whole point is that exactly what an average person needs for the normal functioning of the body. If you eat less than this rate, the metabolism will be slowed down and the body will start using muscle tissue for energy, destroying it.

Correct food for a week for 1200 kcal

To cope with extra pounds, you need to distribute this calorie limit correctly. It is important to note that such a principle of nutrition, in the opinion of nutritionists, is absolutely safe for health.

Principles of proper nutrition for losing weight on 1200 cal:

  1. It is important to exclude from the diet of fatty, fried, sweet, baked goods and other food that is not useful for the figure or for health. Harmful are also fizzy drinks, packaged juices and alcohol.
  2. Give preference to fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy products, fish, etc.
  3. Proper nutrition at 1200 kcal implies a split meal. It is important to eat at regular intervals at least five times a day. This will help maintain metabolism and not feel hunger.
  4. It is important to properly prepare foods, giving preference to cooking, stewing, as well as baking, steaming and grilling.
  5. The liquid is of great importance, and every day should drink at least 1.5 liters. This volume applies only to purified water.

Example of a 1200-calorie meal menu

In order to choose the right foods for the diet , you can use the existing calorie tables (see below). Let's look at some examples that will allow you to develop your own menu.

Option number 1:

Option number 2: