Kiwi's benefit

The benefits of kiwi fruit to the human body are certainly great. The substances in its composition are tremendously affecting health. Due to the fact that kiwi is rich in calcium, it is useful to people who have high blood pressure, and the magnesium contained in it is a support for the work of the heart. For the proper functioning of the kidneys, the formation of the bone system, not the least role is played by phosphorus, which is also present in large numbers in this berry. Entering into the composition of kiwi tannins positively affect the work of the digestive tract, protect the mucous membranes, have a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.

The content of vitamin C in kiwi is so great that when you eat one medium-sized fruit, you can replenish the daily intake of this vitamin in the body, thereby increasing stress resistance and strengthening immunity. There is also vitamin K1, which contributes to the absorption of calcium, which reduces the likelihood of diabetes. Due to the high content of vitamin E in kiwi, it helps to rejuvenate the body. In this berry is also present vitamin A, B vitamins.

For a growing kidney, the kiwi is also very useful. The vitamin D contained in it is the prevention of rickets and strengthens the bones. In addition, Western scientists came to the conclusion that this vitamin prevents the occurrence of cancer.

Useful properties of kiwi are very important for weight loss. Recently, for this purpose, it is used more often. Diets, which are based on this berry, have proven themselves on the best side.

The benefits of kiwifruit to the skin of the hands and face are well known to cosmeticians, therefore in the composition of their products include it actively. Contained in it, vitamin E saturates the skin with a vitamin complex, protects it, thus has a rejuvenating effect.

Benefits and harm of kiwi juice

Since ancient times, kiwi juice in Chinese medicine has been used as a means of reducing pain in rheumatism, preventing the formation of kidney stones, improving digestion, soothing. Drinking kiwi juice slows the process of graying the hair. It has antioxidant and antitumor properties, stimulates mental and physical activity, reduces fatigue. The juice of this fruit is so useful that doctors and nutritionists advise drinking it all to maintain the health, prevention and treatment of various diseases. It regulates the level of sugar in the blood, improves the blood composition and cleans it.

Norwegian scientists have found that the benefits of kiwi to health, as well as its juice, is also in the burning of fats, which blocks small and large vessels, thereby increasing the likelihood of thrombosis. The only contraindications for the use of kiwi juice is individual intolerance and gastritis with high acidity.

The Benefits of Dried Kiwi

In dried fruits contain all the properties of fresh, so when you use dried kiwi, the benefits do not decrease. Thanks to the natural dietary fiber contained in dried kiwi, it is an excellent tool in the fight against constipation, and due to an impressive dose of calcium contributes to an increase in bone density. With frequent use of this fruit in a dried form, you will be immune from the periodontitis - inflammation of the tissues that surround the teeth. Rich in antioxidants and fruit acids, dried kiwi supports the water-fat balance of the skin and prevents age-related pigmentation. Scientists have proven its usefulness in combating cancer cells and diabetes.